Biologia plantarum 45:77-84, 2002 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1015140222412
Anatomical and Histochemical Changes of Norway Spruce Buds Induced by Simulated Acid Rain
- 1 Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague 2, Czech Republic
- 2 Institute of Experimental Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague 6, Czech Republic
The study was focused on changes of anatomical and histochemical parameters of buds of 4-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) trees subjected to simulated acid rain (SAR). Solutions of pH 2.9 and 3.9 were applied by spraying on shoot and/or by watering for two years. No macroscopic changes of buds or needles were observed in connection with SAR application and the only induced change was 2-week earlier onset of bud break in all treated variants compared to the control. Two-year treatment caused decrease in number of leaf primordia and increase in number of living bud scales in treated dormant buds while these parameters remained unchanged in the control buds. Treatments with solution of pH 2.9 caused decrease of flatness of bud apical meristem during the vegetative season. Increased activity of non-specific esterase in treated buds occurred during dormancy and bud break and the enhanced accumulation of phenolic compounds was detected at the beginning of shoot growth. Changes in histochemical parameters of bud tissues were induced mainly by spraying of shoots and can thus be qualified as primary damage.
Keywords: histochemistry; image analysis; non-specific esterase; phenolic compounds; Picea abies
Subjects: acid rain, simulation; esterases, simulated acid rain; image analysis; Norway spruce buds, simulated acid rain; phenolic substances, simulated acid rain; Picea abies
Published: March 1, 2002Show citation
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