Biologia plantarum 46:121-124, 2003 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1022397730599
Volatile Monoterpenes from Prinsepia utilis L. Leaves Inhibit Stomatal Opening in Vicia faba L.
- 1 Department of Biosciences, H.P. University, Shimla-, India
- 2 Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur-, India
Volatile essential oils from Prinsepia utilis L. have been shown to inhibit stomatal opening in Vicia faba L. epidermal peels as well as whole leaves as shown by measurement of pore width and stomatal conductance (gs). The stomatal closure was associated with inhibition of K+ influx in the guard cells. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy analysis of the steam distillate from P. utilis L. leaves showed the presence of over twenty compounds; of which thirteen compounds have been identified.
Keywords: allelopathy; stomatal conductance; volatile essential oils
Subjects: allelopathy; essential oils, stomatal conductance; Prinsepia utilis; stomatal conductance, volatile monoterpenes; Vicia faba; volatile monoterpenes, stomatal conductance
Prepublished online: March 1, 2003; Published: July 1, 2003Show citation
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Rai, V.K., Gupta, S.C., & Singh, B. (2003). Volatile Monoterpenes from Prinsepia utilis L. Leaves Inhibit Stomatal Opening in Vicia faba L. Biologia plantarum, 46(1), 121-124. doi: 10.1023/A:1022397730599.
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