Biologia plantarum 50:789-792, 2006 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-006-0133-y
Thidiazuron induced somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Capsicum annuum
- 1 Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
An efficient protocol of direct somatic embryogenesis (without involving intermediate callus) has been developed from stem segments and shoot tips of Capsicum annuum L. Explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with thidiazuron (TDZ). Among the various concentration of TDZ tested, 0.5 μM was proved to be best for induction of somatic embryos. Induction, maturation and germination were achieved on the same medium. The shoots developed from somatic embryos were transferred for rooting to MS medium supplemented with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). All the regenerated plants with 85 % survival rate were normal with respect to morphology and growth characteristics.
Keywords: chilli pepper; direct somatic embryogenesis; growth regulators; in vitro
Subjects: auxins; Capsicum annuum; chilli pepper; in vitro culture, embryogenesis, somatic embryogenesis; in vitro culture, regeneration, proliferation, differentiation; root, rooting; thidiazuron (TDZ)
Received: April 19, 2005; Accepted: September 22, 2005; Published: December 1, 2006Show citation
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