Biologia plantarum 2018, 62:630-640 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-018-0817-0
Adaptive mechanisms of medicinal plants along altitude gradient: contribution of proteomics
- 1 Department of Biotechnology, CSIR - Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur, India
- 2 Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Palampur, India
Medicinal plants are a rich source of secondary metabolites, extensively used in traditional health care systems. High altitude biodiversity encompasses the diversified and valuable medicinal plant species. The extreme environmental conditions of high altitude region viz. fluctuating temperatures, high UV radiation, salinity, low oxygen concentration, and high wind velocity limits the plant growth and distribution. Yet, how medicinal plants respond to these extreme conditions is not sufficiently understood. Therefore, addressing plant acclimation to different stresses presents an opportunity to unravel adaptive mechanism of medicinal plants along altitude gradient. This article reviews the recently published research that highlights the major role of proteins in plant adaptation to extreme environmental conditions. In the last few decades, climate change has made a profound impact on high altitude plants. Stress conditions alter cellular homeostasis of plants. With the advent of proteomics, it has become evident that stresses induce changes in proteome by synthesis/expression of novel stress responsive proteins. These proteins constitute a highly organized, complex network that leads to changes in the molecular, biochemical, physiological, and morphological responses of plants. Herein, we comprehensively discuss the proteomics of medicinal plants and its role in adaptation along altitude gradient. This review aims to provide impetus to current research in medicinal plants ranging from developmental to stress biology and to generate basis for genetic engineers and plant breeders to produce next-generation medicinal plants.
Keywords: antifreeze proteins; climate change; heat shock proteins; photosynthesis; reactive oxygen species; secondary metabolites
Subjects: proteomics; adaptation; altitude gradient; medicinal plants; antifreeze proteins; reactive oxygen species; heat shock proteins; secondary metabolites
Received: January 9, 2018; Revised: March 22, 2018; Accepted: March 27, 2018; Published: August 1, 2018Show citation
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