News from IEB

Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds offer Postdoc/Junior Scientist Full Time Position

We are searching for biology or biochemistry Postdoc/Junior Scientist with the knowledge of basic biochemical and molecular biology techniques. We require high motivation, independence, and ability to acquire new skills.
The aim of the work will be to study biologically active substances by various approaches – from content analysis and enzyme activity determination to expression analysis of genes of interest and immunohistochemical detection of proteins.

Nature–Future: Rostliny budoucnosti

Nature–Future: Rostliny budoucnostiNature–Future: Rostliny budoucnostiNature–Future: Rostliny budoucnostiNature–Future: Rostliny budoucnostiNature–Future: Rostliny budoucnosti

Co spojuje ruského biologa Vavilova (1887–1943) s dnešními „luštiteli genů“? Snaha uchovat genetickou rozmanitost plodin, porozumět jí a využít ji pro šlechtění nových odrůd. Víc se dozvíte na výstavě, z jejíž vernisáže jsou tyto snímky.
Foto: Jan Kolář.