Access to the catalogue

Log in to your reader’s account

Registration to the catalogue

If you are not a registered user, please see the librarian and register. After registration, you can immediately start borrowing the titles you are interested in. Once your registration is confirmed, you can log in to the library catalogue for the first time by clicking Sign In (top left) and filling the registration data (you can also use the direct link to log in).

Once you log in, you can check the status of your loans (by clicking Reader at the top left corner) and extend them. You can also order our publications electronically. 

Searching the catalogue and ordering books 

In the catalogue, you can search by the following criteria:

  • title of the book
  • author
  • subject (general or partial topic)
  • ISBN (the International Standard Book Number), 
  • ISSN signature (International Standard Serial Number)
  • publisher
  • year of publication.

The criterion can be selected from the combo dialogue at the Search box (the second line in the search form). 

To search a title, click the serial number in the first left column (the one marked #) to open the full book entry with all the added information.

If you click the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in the fifth column marked Placement, you will see if the title is borrowed, and if possible, for how long. If borrowed, do not lose hope and contact the librarian at 

If the title is available and you have already registered in the library, log in to your reader’s account to send us your request. If you do not hear from the library the next day, please contact us and remind us of your order.

In case of any difficulties, contact us at