Biologia plantarum, 1964 (vol. 6), issue 2
Heilungsvorgänge gequetschter Wurzelspitzen
Bohumil Němec
Biologia plantarum 6:73-78, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926659
Wurzelspitzen von Pisum sativum wurden zwischen zwei konvergenten Gläschen gequetscht und der weiteren Entwicklung überlassen. Sohon nach 48 Stunden waren alle um das Plerom herum entstandenen Risse durch kallos vergrösserte Perikambiumzellen dort, wo das Perikambium differenziert war, gefüllt. Soweit das Plerom in Verbindung mit der Initialzone verbunden blieb, wuchs es gleichmässig mit dem Periblem weiter. Wurde es jedoch von den Initialen abgerissen, so hörte es auf zu wachsen. Wenn die Spitze des Pleroms abgerissen wurde, differenzierte sie sich nicht weiter, sondern verblieb als schwach wucherndes Gewebehöckerehen ohne Differenzierung....
Conductometric apparatus for determining photosynthesic rate
V. L. Voznesensky
Biologia plantarum 6:79-83, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926660
A conductometric apparatus for determining the photosynthetic rate suitable predominantly for field measurements is described. In contrast with the hitherto described and applied instruments 3 samples of air can be analyzed here simultaneously, the data are temperature-independent and the entire electronic part of the apparatus is transistorized. The absorbers (300×30×30mm.) and the leaf chambers (140×100×10 mm.) are made of plexiglass. The membrane pump is hand-operated by means of a crank. The conductivity of the absorption solution (0.02N-KOH+0.5% isoamylalcohol+saponin) is measured in a special measuring cell into which the solution is transferred...
Effect of carbohydrates on the growth of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn
O. P. Israel, Md. Shah Ali
Biologia plantarum 6:84-87, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926661
The growth OfRhizoctonia solani in different carbohydrates was studied. The rate of growth of the fungus was traced by taking the dry weights of mycelia obtained from the carbohydrate medium at regular intervals and shifts in the pH were recorded. Different carbohydrate sources had different effects on the growth of the organism. The exoenzymes from the organism were capable of cleaving carbohydrates irrespective of whether the fungus grew in them or not.
Glucobrassicin a potential inhibitor of unusual type affecting the Germination and growth of plants; mechanism of its action
Milan Kutáček
Biologia plantarum 6:88-98, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926662
A water-soluble germination- and growth-inhibitor present in plants of Brassica genus was studied. Aqueous eluates from chromatograms of methanolic extracts of Savoy cabbage, cabbage and Brussels' sprouts leaves, and of Brussels' sprouts roots, inhibited the growth of wheat; the chromatographic behaviour of this inhibitor was similar to that of the thioglycoside glucobrassicin (GLUBR). GLUBRat 10-3 m, and the supposed product of its enzymatic degradation, 3-indolylacetonitrile (IAN) at 10-4 m, inhibited the growth of wheat and clover in a similar manner. At lower concentrations, both substances gradually enhanced growth. In contrast...
Über die Veränderung des Geschlechtsverhältnisses der Nachkommenschaft im Zusammenhang mit dem Alter der Blüten beiMelandrium album
Alena Prokopová
Biologia plantarum 6:99-103, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926663
Im Rahmen des Versuches wurde der Einfluss des Alters der männlichen und weiblichen (maximal fünf Tage alten) Blüten auf das Geschlechtsverhältnis der Nachkommensehaft beiMelandrium album Garcke untersucht.
Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass der Prozentsatz an weibliche Pflanzen in der Nachkommenschaft zwei Tage alter, bestäubter weiblicher Blüten nachweisbar erhöht schien.
In der Nachkommenschaft bestäubter weiblicher Blüten, die älter als zwei Tage waren, äusserte sich im Auftreten weiblicher Individuen eine absinkende Tendenz.
Das Alter der männlichen Blüten hatte keinerlei Einfluss auf das Geschlechtsverhältnis der Nachkommenschaft.
The accentuators, pH and the principles of the effect in histological staining
Bohumil Hluchovský, Vladimír Srb
Biologia plantarum 6:104-107, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926664
A study was made of the influence of accentuators (phenol, aniline) and pH on the stainability of vegetable tissue (roots ofAllium cepa L.) with light green and methylene blue with reference to the theory of the electrostatic basis of staining. - The results obtained on the whole confirmPischinger's theory of the electrostatic basis of staining for light green only, but with methylene blue the situation was found to be much more complicated. Only the alkalization of a watery solution of methylene blue increases its staining ability, whereas the accentuators markedly disturb staining. Prischinge's theory is thus not of general validity, but applies...
Einige quantitative anatomische Merkmale von Blättern verschiedener Insertionshöhe beiPotamogeton perfoliatus L. undP. lucens L.
Ingrid Tichá
Biologia plantarum 6:108-116, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926665
Bei den submersen WasserpflanzenPotamogeton perfoliatus L. undP. lucens L. wurde die Anzahl der Epidermalzellen pro Blattflächeneinheit (mit Hilfe der Abdruckmethode) und die Dichte der Blattnervatur (curvimetrisch bei in Lacto-Phenol aufgehellten Blatteilen gemessen) bei oberen, mittleren und unteren Blättern, deren Blattbasis, -mitte, -rand und -spitze untersucht wurden, festgestellt.
Bei beiden Laichkrautarten sind die Unterschiede in der Anzahl der Epidermalzellen pro Blattflächeneinheit bei Blättern verschiedener Insertionshöhe nur am Anfang der Vegetationsperiodo statistisch gesichert, später bei ausgewachsenen Blättern nicht...
Reversion of the antimitotic effect of N-formylbiuret by ureidosuccinic acid and uracil inAllium cepa L.
V. Fučík, A. Čihák
Biologia plantarum 6:117-121, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926666
A study was made of the influence of N-formylbiuret, a degradation product of 5-azauracil, on the course of mitosis in the meristem of the roots ofAllium cepa. In the presence of N-formylbiuret in a concentration of 4-10-3 M in the nutrient fluid there is a decrease of 20 to 30% in the mitotic index of the meristem of the roots. This decrease in the mitotic index can be prevented by the addition of ureidosuccinic acid or uracil to the medium. N-formylbiuret which, as a result of interaction with dihydroorotase, inhibits the biosynthesis of the pyrimidine precursors of nucleic acids, does not display irreversible toxicity when observing...
Der Einfluss von K-Humat auf Teilung und Längenwachstum der Wurzelspitzenzellen vonAllium cepa L.
Jana Opatrná-Fišerová
Biologia plantarum 6:122-131, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926667
0,1 und 0,01 prozentige K-Humatlösungen besohleunigen in den ersten Züchtungstagen das Wurzelwachstum der Keimpflanzen der KüchenzwiebelAllium cepa L. Durch unmittelbare Zählung der Mitosen in Quetschpräparaten der Wurzelspitzen nach der Methode von PAZOUBEK (1960) ist festgestellt worden, das sich bei einer Wirkung, die länger dauert als 24 Stunden, der Prozentsatz an Mitosen naehweisbar gegenüber der Züehtungskontrolle in aqua dest. erhöht. Dieser Unterschied wächst mit der Verlängerung der Einwirkungsdauer von K-Humat. An Längsschnitten durch die Wurzelspitze in fünf aufeinander folgenden Abschnitten vom Beginn der Verlängerungszone an wurde...
Factors affecting the accuracy of chlorophylla andb determination by means of their paper chromatographic separation and colorimetric measurement in eluates
Zdeněk Šesták
Biologia plantarum 6:132, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926668
Quantitative determination of chlorophyll a and β can be made by paper chromatography of acetone extracts of plant material with colorimetric measurement of the eluates from the separated zones.
From the suitable solvent systems which give adequate separation of the pigments at a distance of 20 cm. from the start,Hager's mixture (1955) separates the chlorophylls better than the toluene-isopropanol (400: 1 v/v.) mixture, which, however, is better for the separation of carotenoids. Twice the amount of chlorophyll is separated on Whatman 31 ET paper, equally well and with the same time of development, as on Whatman No. 3 paper, on which it is...
Detection of lipids in the plant meristematic cell with the aid of Sudan black staining
Karel Beneš
Biologia plantarum 6:142-151, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926669
As lipids can be a source of artefacts during intracellular localization of enzymes by cytochemical methodsin situ it was the aim of the present work to obtain orientation data on the distribution of lipids in the meristematic plant cells. The different fixation and object embedding methods examined revealed that it is best to fix the material by some formol fixative and without chroming, to embed it in polyethyleneglycol media. An alcoholic solution of Sudan black was found to be most reliable. In the meristematio cells the cytoplasm is usually stained more intensely than the nucleus. The ground cytoplasm is stained weakly while cytoplasmic...
Course of growth and development of Spring Barley
P. Strebeyko, B. Góra
Biologia plantarum 6:152, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926670
The barley variety "Browarny P.Z.H.R." was grown in pots. Experiments on the course of development were conducted for two years. The increase in the dry weight of roots, leaves, stems and grain was recorded. The assimilation area of the plants was measured periodically and the rate of respiration in detached leaves was determined. Photographic records were kept of growing point and ear development. The dynamics of growth and development were studied during the whole vegetation period. The present results are similar to those previously obtained for spring wheat. The short period of leaf activity is the chief factor limiting barley growth.
Brief Communications
Effect of leaf age on the translocation movement of 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) inHordeum distichum L.
Mária Luxová
Biologia plantarum 6:158, 1964 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02926671