Biologia plantarum, 1965 (vol. 7), issue 5


A film study of growth activity of hypocotyl in the early phases of the germinating pea seed (Pisum sativum L.)

M. Spurný

Biologia plantarum 7:335, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920714

Using the time-lapse cinematography technique, activity of the growing centres of the pea seed hypocotyl (Pisum sativum L.) was followed in the course of the early phases between 15 and 60 hours of germination under standard experimental conditions. The resulting data were plotted in a summary graph with conjugates scales (Fig. 4) indicating time-space limits for further biochemical analysis and the interpretation of mechanism of hypocotyl elongation concerning the dependence of the IAA and RNA content, growth rate, localization of growing zones, transport of substances from the swollen cotyledons into the embryo etc. The most important results...

Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Roggen (Secale cerrale L.) und Hanf (Cannabis sativa L.) in Wasserkulturen bei ergänzter Ernährung

Zdenek Laštůvka, Jaroslav Minář, Oldřich Navrátil

Biologia plantarum 7:349, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920715

Die vorgelegte Arbeit befasst sich mit der gegenseitigen Beziehung zwischen Roggen und Hanf in Wasserkultur bei ergänzter Mineralernährung. Nach 24tägiger Kultivierung wurden keine beweiskräftigen Unterschiede des Wachstums der Kontrollpflanzen und der Mischkultur gefunden. Beweiskräftige Unterschiede wurden jedoch in der H2PO4-Ionensorption bei Anwendung des Radioisotops32P festgestellt. Beeinflusst wurde auch der Wasserbedarf der Pflanzen in der Mischung. Die festgestellten Unterschiede wurden durch die Wirkung von spezifischen Stoffen in den Wurzelausscheidungen der beteiligten Pflanzen erklärt.

Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Roggen (Secale cereale L.) und Hanf (Cannabis sativa L.) in Wasserkulturen bei nicht ergänzter Nährung

Jaroslav Minář, Zdeněk Laštůvka, Oldřich Navrátil

Biologia plantarum 7:357, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920716

Die Arbeit behandelt die gegenseitige Beziehung zwischen Hanf und Roggen in Wasserkultur bei nicht ergänzter Mineralernährung. Nach 18-tägiger Kultivierung in Nährlösung mit32P wurden beweiskräftige Phosphorsorptions- und Transpirationsdifferenzen zwischen den Kontrollpflanzen und der Mischung gefunden. Die Hanf-Kontrolle verbrauchte in 18 Tagen 85,5% Phosphor, Hanf in der Mischung 94%, die Roggen-Kontrolle 95,3%, Roggen in der Mischung 106,7% auf je eine Pflanze umgerechnet. Das Wachstum wurde nicht beeinflusst. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich nicht bloss durch Nährstoffkonkurrenz zwischen den beteiligten Arten, sondern durch die Anwesenheit...

Natural infections of Sisymbrium loeselii Jusl. with cabbage black ringspot and tobacco mosaic viruses

Zdenko Polák

Biologia plantarum 7:363, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920717

Investigating weeds for viruses in ruderal localities of Greater Prague two forms of mosaic diseases inSisymbrium loeselii Jusl. were demonstrated (green and yellowish-green mosaic). Transmission tests carried out on differential host plants showed that the green mosaic is caused by cabbage black ringspot virus (CBRV) and the yellowish green by mixed infection of CBRV and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).
TMV-isolate is characterized as an unusual necrotic strain; its capability to reproduce in cruciferous plant in nature is unique.
It was ascertained that green mosaic was commonly spread overSisymbrium plants in ruderal ***DIRECT SUPPORT...

Action of volatile substances liberated from couch grass

František Plhák, Jiří Helan

Biologia plantarum 7:368, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920718

A study was made of the action of volatile substances liberated from the rhizome of couch grass on wheat seedlings. The experiments were made in a closed atmosphere in glass vessels with continual removal of expired CO2 and the addition of O2.
Volatile substances liberated from couch grass produced numerous morphological and physiological changes in wheat seedlings. They caused retarding of the growth of overground parts and roots, the excessive formation of root hairs, curling of the roots and bending of the coleoptiles. The respiratory rate was higher in the leaves and roots of the experimental wheat seedlings than in the...

Selective staining of intracellular inclusions of tobacco mosaic virus

Véra Sosnová

Biologia plantarum 7:374-375, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920719

For specific staining of TMV inclusions the cytochemical method of Hršel for the determination of tryptophan containing proteins was used. This method makes it possible to obtain series of sections in contrast to the methods employed up to the present, so that TMV inclusions from any part of the plant can be detected. Staining was tested "in situ" as well as in preparations of isolated virus particles.

The anatomy of the shoot apex ofHyoscyamus niger L. reversed from the generative to the vegetative state

Frideta Seidlová, Jindra Juráková-Štichová

Biologia plantarum 7:376, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920720

A study was made of the anatomical structure of the shoot apices ofHyoscyamus niger L. in plants which were transferred from a long-day to a short-day regime after the initiation of the inflorescence. After a certain time these plants are reverted to the vegetative stage with the inhibition of the development of further flower buds and the renewed production of rosette leaves. The inflorescence apex consisted of a few superficial layers of cells and a corpus composed of slightly elongated cells. The anatomical structure of the apices which were reverted into the vegetative state resembled that of shoot apices in the intermediate stage. The apex...

Effect of the amputation of the cotyledon and of the application of growth regulators on the transport of32P in decapitated pea seedlings

J. Šebánek

Biologia plantarum 7:380, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920721

When the epicotyl and one cotyledon is cut off from pea seedlings, only the axillary of the amputated cotyledon is known to grow. When32P is applied to the roots of such plants, then a higher radioactivity appears in the axillary of the amputated cotyledon already 24 hrs. after amputation of one cotyledon, although this axillary is of the same size at this time as that of the remaining cotyledon. This fact indicates a more extensive material transport to the axillary bud of the amputated cotyledon already during the first day after amputation
The effect of individual regulators on the32P transport was investigated in an experiment...

Brief Communications

Changes in the content of ascorbic acid in the crown-gall tumor tissue ofNicotiana tabacum under the influence of Co60γ-rays

L. Antoszewska, A. Rennert, J. Kroh

Biologia plantarum 7:387-390, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920722

Weitere Versuche mit der Rauhverzwergung und Streifenkrankheit des Maises

Ctibor Blattný, Zdenka Procházková

Biologia plantarum 7:391, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920723

Acropetal transport of kinetin in pea stem sections

Miroslav Kamínek

Biologia plantarum 7:394-396, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920724