Biologia plantarum, 1969 (vol. 11), issue 6


Mathematical model of ontogenetic changes and circadian cycles of transpiration rates

A. Nižňanský, S. Priehradný

Biologia plantarum 11:393, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920703

A now mathematical model, representing the transpiration process during ontogenesis and a circadian transpiration cycle, analysed in detail statistically, was designed using data obtained by the new modification of the gravimetric determination of the transpiration of intact plants. Regression analysis applied to the circadian cycle makes it possible to characterize basis parameters of the intensity and of the extent of this process and may serve a s a starting point when studying transpiration methodologically in greater detail.

The effect of N-nitroso-N-methylurea, buthylmethane sulphonate and x-rays on the germination and production of chlorophyll mutations in einkorn wheat

J. Vagera

Biologia plantarum 11:408-416, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920704

Grains ofTriticum monococcum L. var.sofianum Körn. were treated with O.1 mM, 0.2 mM and 0.3 mM solutions of N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNtt), with 0.03 M solution of buthylmethane sulphonate (BMS) and with X-rays in doses of 5 000r and 10 000r. The germination and development of individual colors of chlorophyl mutants were observed by the system developed byLamprecht (1960). All the mutants induced were classified according to their color changes into three main categories-homogenous unicolor, homogenous multieolor and heterogenous multieolor. In the last type the colors of individual leaves of the same plant varied. Anthocyanin mutations...

Occurrence of ethanol in pea plants in the course of growth under normal and anaerobic conditions

Sylva Leblová, Ilona Zimáková, Dana Sofrová, Jana Barthová

Biologia plantarum 11:417, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920705

1) At a so-called natural anaerobiosis during the first 48 hours of germination the concentration of ethanol in pea tissues increases (according to the cultivation conditions) up to 40 μmol per gram fresh weight.
2) In a nitrogen atmosphere the content of ethanol in pea seedlings increases as well, and after a 90 hour incubation in N2 it can reach even 100 μmol ethanol per gram fresh weight. In older plants the content increases the most markedly in cotyledons, but considerable amounts were revealed also in stems and roots. Its increase in vegetative organs of plants cultivated both in light and darkness is more or less identical....

Metabolism of nucleic acids in wheat roots in dependence on nutritive conditions

Svatava Fialová

Biologia plantarum 11:424, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920706

Influence on individual types (fractions) of nucleic acids (NA) was studied in roots of wheat plants grown in various cultivation media, namely in distilled water, in sodium humate and in a nutrient solution. NA's were prepared by means of the phenol technique. Using separation on a methylalbumine column (MAK) five fractions were obtained, namely: fraction I.- low molecular weight substances, fraction II.-soluble RNA, fraction III.-DNA-RNA, and the ribosomal RNA in two fractions, IV.-(l r-RNA) and V.-(h r-RNA). Of the NA fractions investigated, the r-RNA fraction was noticeably influenced by the kind of nutrition, its amount varying in a certain proportion...

Cytogenetic studies on the effect of chronic gamma irradiation onVicia faba

Soheir M. Amer, I. Y. Mostafa, Evon Mikhael

Biologia plantarum 11:432-441, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920707

Vicia faba seeds (cv. Giza 1) were planted in the Inshas gamma radiation field where they were chronically irradiated during the whole life of the plant. The percentage of the induced abnormal P.M.Cs, as well as the frequency of abnormal P.M.Cs in the different meiotic stages were proportional with the given doses. The main types of chromosome aberrations were anaphase and telophase bridges, fragmentation and lagging chromosomes. The nearest plants to the source showed an inhibition of shoot growth, flower and seed sterility and irregular branching. At the dosage levels used irradiation had no effect on pollen fertility.
Seeds of the 1st...

Acid phosphatase fractions from various growth zones of broad bean root revealed by disc electrophoresis

J. Sahulka

Biologia plantarum 11:442, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920708

Fractions of acid phosphate (orthophosphoric monoester phosphohydrolase, EC were studied in extracts of segments from three growth zones of broad bean roots by means of electrophoresis in acrylamide gel. The azocoupling reaction with α-naphtyl phosphate was used for detection. The phosphatase activity was investigated in the range of pH 3.6-7.2. Altogether nine fractions moving towards the anode were revealed. Some fractions differed slightly in their pH optimum. The presence of Mg++ in the incubation medium resulted in the activation of two fractions, Mn++ showed activation of three fractions and inhibition of...

The participation of flavine enzymes in the respiration of root zones of the horse bean (Vicia faba L.).

Věra Hadačová, M. Dvořák

Biologia plantarum 11:450, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920709

As part of our studies on respiration systems in root zones of the horse bean (Vicia faba L., cv. Chlumecký) the influence of quininehydrochloride and potassium cyanide on respiration was followed. The inhibition of the oxygen uptake by quininehydrochloride was highest in the elongation zone and lowest in the meristematic zone. Thes shows that the flavine enzyme content is lowest in the meristem, highest in the elongation zone. The inhibition of Fe- and Cu-enzymes by KCN increases from the root tip towards the older parts of the root, but is lower than the inhibition by quininehydrochloride. The difference between the intensity of action of...

Peroxidase activity of strawberry receptacle as determined by chemiluminescence

U. Dzieciol, R. Antoszewski

Biologia plantarum 11:457-464, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920710

The peroxidase activity both of intact strawberry receptacles and of freshly bissected receptacles was determined by a chemiluminescence method. It was found that the chemiluminescence effect, when calculated per unit cut-surface area of receptacle, was correlated with the stage of development but, when calculated per whole cut-surface of receptacle, there was no clear correlation with the developmental stage.
With intact tissue, chemiluminescence did not occur in all cases.
IAA in the presence of peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide gave some low luminescence.

Influence of light on the autospore number of some chlorococcal algae

J. Nečas

Biologia plantarum 11:465-469, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920711

The method of cultivation of algae on the surface of solid, medium under regulated conditions was used for studying the influence of light on the autospore number with three strains of chlorococcal algae:Scenedesmus quadricauda, Scenedesmus obliquus andChlorella kessleri. The results of these experiments show that not only light but the type of medium as well, exert a very important influence upon both nuclear and cell division and the whole course of the life cycle of algal cells. The number of autospores produced by single cells can be ascertained reliably on the surface of the solid medium. Owing to this fact the relations in cellular...

Mycoplasma-like bodies in plants infected with potato witches' broom disease and the response of plants to tetracycline treatment

J. Brčák, O. Králík, J. Limberk, Marie Ulrychová

Biologia plantarum 11:470, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920712

The virus origin of a Czechoslovak isolate of potato witches' broom disease is discounted: electron micrographs of ultrathin section of phloem tissues from plants infected with potato witches' broom disease demonstratedMycoplasma-like bodies, spherical or elongated showing binary fission and fragmentation. The minute corpuscles have a diameter of about 50-60 nm, the largest bodies of 1000 nm. The width of elongated filamentous structures is about 200 nm, most oval bodies have a diameter of 250 nm. A weak tetracycline treatment of diseased plants causes a delay of symptom development; a strong dose of tetracycline (applied by means of the wick...

Brief Communications

Time-dependent reversal of the inhibitory effect of 5-fluorode-oxyuridine on flowering ofChenopodium rubrum L. by thymidine

J. Krekule, Frideta Seidlová, J. Ullmann

Biologia plantarum 11:477, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920713

Flower initiation induced by three inductive photoperiods inChenopodium rubrum L. was fully inhibited by treating the shoot apex with a 5 μl drop of 1×10-5 m 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FDU). This inhibition may be reversed by thymidine applied simultaneously with or after FDU treatment at any time during photoperiodic induction. One day after the end of induction the inhibition caused by FDU is irreparable even by increasing thymidine concentrations. It is concluded that photoperiodic floral induction may take place inChenopodium even if DNA synthesis is suppressed.