By metro

Get off at Roztyly station and look for the tall OBI buildings. Go through the subway to 5. května Street, climb the subway stairs and go along the avenue of lime trees (Jihozápadní Street) to the library.


Map of the IAP surroundings and scheme of the Prague public transport (the metro lines are marked in red, green and yellow)

Jihozápadní Streets ends at the entrance to the complex of the CAS (The Czech Academy of Sciences). The Institute of Atmospheric Physics is the first building on the right. Ring the bell at the entrance to announce the reason of your visit.

By car

If you are travelling from the city centre towards Brno on D1 highway (Prague – Brno), take the Spořilov exit and turn right to Spořilov at the next intersection (marked in red in the picture below). If you are travelling from Brno, take the Spořilov exit (marked blue in the picture below). Follow the dashed red and blue way to get to the IAP.

Mapka okolí ÚFA AV ČR pro příjezd autem (ústav je označen zkratkou IAP)

Useful links

Map of Prague and the Czech Republic
Public transport in Prague, timetables
About Prague

Opening hours

Monday 1.00–3.30 pm., Thursday 9.00-11.30 am.

Please announce your visit in advance; you will welcome even outside the office hours!



Job post Name





 Jana Fialová  272 016 012

 č. 21