Sylvio Lazzari - ARMOR

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I search information and the score of this opera of austrian-french composer Sylvio Lazzari. The opera was featured first time in Praha in the year 1898. Composed was in the year 1896. Have you contact to the archives of the National Opera of Praha or have you a musical library part in your National Library? Thank you very much for your help. I need the informations and eventually the scores for my investigation-work.


We haven’t any score of Lazzari’s opera Armor in Music Department of National Library. Opera was performed for the first time in Deutsches Landes Theater, today’s State Opera Prague (another opera stage in Prague in addition to National Theatre). Try to contact Documentation centre of the State Opera, namely Mr. Pavel Petráněk ( But I have to say that many materials from mentioned time were destroyed by fire.
The information from “The New Grove Dictionary of Opera” mentions the piano-vocal score of this opera stored in Bibliothèque-Musée de L’Opéra in Paris.  Another person, who is interested in the Czech Theater of that time, is Mrs. Jitka Ludvova ( from the Theatre Institute. Maybe try to contact also her for get more information. Contact person in Archiv of the Prague National Theatre Opera is Mr. Matěj Dočekal ( But as is mentioned above, the Armor opera wasn’t performed there.






Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

12.03.2009 11:52

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