Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 221 183 337
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Work position: Postodoctoral Fellow and Editor of Latin works in critical edition J. A. Comenii Opera omnia.
Research Fields of Interest:
- early modern correspondence
- ancient Greek music, ancient treatises on music
- Humanist Greek poetry
místnostroom: 101a
telefontelephone: 221 183 311
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- 2006–2014: Ph.D. student at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute for Greek and Latin Studies. Ph.D. thesis: Aristides Quintilianus a postavení jeho spisu Peri músikés mezi dochovanými hudebně-teoretickými spisy (Aristides Quintilianus and the Position His Work on Music Holds among the Extant Musicological Treatises)
- August/September 2013: research stay at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań
- 1999–2006: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute for Greek and Latin Studies, Master in Latin and Ancient Greek. MA thesis: Pseudo-Plútarchos O hudbě – úvod, překlad a komentář (Pseudo-Plutarch On Music – Introduction, Translation, Commentary)
- since 2016: Grammar School Na Zatlance (Gymnázium na Zatlance), teaching of Latin for students of medicine, law and veterinary science
- since April 2014: Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, editorial work
- 2013–2016: Paneuropean University, Faculty of Law, teaching of Latin for lawyers
- since 2006: Christian Grammar School in Hostivař (Křesťanské gymnázium), teaching of Latin
- since 2016 An international project The Hellenizing Muse (team member; Humanist Greek poetry in Bohemia)
- since 2016 GA ČR, Podoby humanismu v Českých zemích (1469-1622), [Forms of Humanism in Literature of the Bohemian Lands (1469-1622)]; team member; poetry composed in Humanist Greek
- 2014–2018 GA ČR, Between Renaissance and Baroque: Philosophy and Knowledge in the Czech Lands within the Wider European Context; team member; editor of Comenius's Latin correspondence
- one–year grant GA UK 2013, Pseudo-Plútarchos, O hudbě (Pseudo-Plutarch, On Music)
- COST-Action IS 1310 Training School 'EMLO on the road', Tallinn (how to work with the database), 13.–16. 3. 2018:
- Recte enim a Nasone tuo scriptum est: P. Ovidius v díle Erasma Rotterdamského. [Recte enim a Nasone tuo scriptum est: P. Ovidius in the work of Erasmus.]. Contribution to the Conference: Roma aurea MMXVII: Ovidiovské kontexty a inspirace: Kolokvium k 2000. výročí úmrtí P. Ovidia Nasona, Prague, 30. 11.–2. 12. 2017, FF UK.
- Vir non vulgari eloquentia: Joachim Hübner's Elegance of Expression. Contribution to the International Workshop Rhetoric and Genres of Learned Communication in Early Modern Central Europe: From Humanist Correspondence to Scholarly Journal, Prague, 19.–20. 10. 2017, Department of Comenius Studies and Early Moderly Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.
- since 2016: International Association of Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS)
- since 2016: Grammar School Na Zatlance (Gymnázium na Zatlance), teaching of Latin for students of medicine, law and veterinary science
- 2013–2016: Paneuropean University, Faculty of Law, teaching of Latin for lawyers
since 2006: Christian Grammar School in Hostivař (Křesťanské gymnázium), teaching of Latin
- Rottedamský, E. Užitečná rozprava o vedení války s Turky s výkladem Žalmu. [A Useful Discussion on the Turkish War Including an Explanation of Psalm 28.]. Introduction, Translation, Annotations. Prague: Academia, 2018. [In print].
- Pseudo–Plútarchos. O hudbě. Úvod, překlad a komentář. [Pseudo-Plutarch. On Music. Introduction, Translation, Commentary.]. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7298-505-0.
- Komenského myšlenky o hudbě. [Comenius's thoughts on music.]. In Řezníková, L. – Urbánek, V. (eds.). Ex definitione: Pansofické pojmy J. A. Komenského a jejich dobové kontexty: Studie Martinu Steinerovi. Praha: Filosofia, 2017, p. 211–232. [Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích; 16.]. ISBN 978-80-7007-504-3.
- Principy starořecké hudební teorie a praxe. [The Principles of Ancient Greek Music Theory and Practice.]. In Pseudo-Plútarchos. O hudbě. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 2015, p. 73–85. ISBN 978-80-7298-505-0.
- Postava pěvce v řecké mytologii. [A Poet in Greek Mythology.]. In Visuque et auditu iuxta venerabilis adrogantiam effugerat: Sborník k 80. narozeninám prof. Bohumily Mouchové. Praha, 2013, p. 153–155.
- Johannis Amos Comenii Opera Omnia / Dílo Jana Amose Komenského. Sv. 26/I: Korespondence. [Complete Work of Johann Amos Comenius. Vol. 26/I. Correspondence]. Praha: Academia, 2018. [In print.].
- An Utrecht link: On the unknown correspondence between Jan Amos Comenius and Johannes van Almeloveen. (with Iva Lelková); a Latin edition and translation of the letters. Acta Comeniana, 30 (2016). [In print.].
- (review). Blahoslav, Jan. Musica. Eds. P. Daněk – J. K. Kroupa; Petr Daněk, Blahoslavova Musica (1569): nejstarší kompletně dochovaná učebnice hudební teorie v českém jazyce. Praha, 2016. ISBN 978-80-87773-37-6. Acta Comeniana, 30 (2016). [V tisku.].
- (review). Barker, A. Ancient Greek Writers on their Musical Past: Studies in Greek Musical Historiography. Pisa – Roma: Fabrizio Serra (Syncrisis, 1) 2014. ISBN 978-88-6227-689-4. Listy filologické, 89 (2016), 3–4, p. 485–487.
- (review). Nejeschleba, T. – Makovský, J. (eds.). Erasmovo dílo v minulosti a současnosti evropského myšlení [The Work of Erasmus in European Thought, Yesterday and Toda], Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7325-301-1. Acta Comeniana, 27 (2013), p. 201–203. ISBN 978-80-7007-433-6. ISSN 0231-5955.
- (review:). Apofthegmata – výroky a příběhy pouštních otců. Svazek I, II. Z řeckého a latinského originálu přeložil a komentářem opatřil Jiří Pavlík. Praha: Benediktinské arciopatství sv. Vojtěcha a sv. Markéty, 2000, 2005. Auriga ZJKF, 50 (2008), p. 132–133.
- (review). Černý, M. K. Hudba antických kultur. 2. vyd. Praha: Academia, 2006. Hudební věda, 44 (2007), p. 361–363.
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