Biologia plantarum 54:69-75, 2010 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-010-0010-6
Genetic diversity for morphological traits and seed storage proteins in Spanish rivet wheat
- 1 Departamento de Genética, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos y de Montes, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
The objective of the current work was to analyse the variability of high and low molecular mass (HMM and LMM) glutenin subunits, along with some morphological characteristics in sixty Spanish accessions of rivet wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. turgidum). The lines were grouped in sixteen botanical varieties and five additional types, according the morphological criteria. Up to 13 allelic variants (four alleles for the Glu-A1 locus and nine alleles for the Glu-B1 locus) and 34 B-LMMGs patterns were found in the evaluated lines. The current data indicated a clear reduction of morphological variability, along with an asymmetric distribution of the alleles and patterns for seed storage proteins. This polymorphism could be useful for enlarging the genetic background of modern durum wheat.
Keywords: genetic resources; glutenin subunits; tetraploid wheats; Triticum turgidum ssp. turgidum
Subjects: genetic diversity; glutenin; seed storage proteins; Triticum turgidum; wheat
Received: May 1, 2008; Accepted: December 21, 2008; Published: March 1, 2010Show citation
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