Biologia plantarum 54:321-324, 2010 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-010-0055-6
Involvement of arabinogalactan proteins in the control of cell proliferation of Cucurbita pepo suspension cultures
- 1 RLP-Agroscience GmbH, AlPlanta-Institute for Plant Research, Neustadt, Germany
- 2 Laboratory of Plant Molecular Physiology, CBBC, Hammam-Lif, Tunisia
Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) secreted by zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) cell cultures into the medium are implicated in cell proliferation. Conditioned medium derived from cell suspensions of squash cultivar Dundoo could enhance multiplication rate of slow-growing cell line Cx3005. To examine the role of AGPs, a precipitation assay was performed using Yariv reagent which binds selectively to AGPs. This AGP precipitation as well as proteinase application arrested cell division. However, chitinase treatment successfully increased embryogenic callus mass. A growth promotion was also obtained by arabinogalactan addition to the culture medium. Immunoblotting analysis using the MAC 207 anti-AGP monoclonal antibody showed high AGP expression in Dundoo cell cultures.
Keywords: chitinase; embryogenic cultures; extracellular proteins
Subjects: arabinogalactan proteins; auxins; chitinase; Cucurbita pepo; cytokinins; in vitro culture, callus; in vitro culture, cell suspension; proteinase; zucchini squash
Received: May 8, 2008; Accepted: January 17, 2009; Published: June 1, 2010Show citation
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