Biologia plantarum 62:222-230, 2018 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-017-0756-1
Identification of MYB transcription factor genes and their expression during abiotic stresses in maize
- 1 School of Life Science, Nantong University, Jiangsu, P. R. China
- 2 School of Public Health, Nantong University, Jiangsu, P. R. China
The MYB transcription factor superfamily is a large gene family that plays central roles in developmental processes and defence responses in plants. Unlike in Arabidopsis, only few members of the R2R3-MYB gene family have been functionally well characterized in maize, especially in abiotic stress-response pathways. Subgroup-specific conserved motifs outside the MYB domain may reflect functional conservation. A comparative genomics study using Arabidopsis abiotic stress-responsive MYB protein sequences identified 46 ZmMYB genes that may be involve in abiotic stress responses of Zea mays. An expression pattern analysis of the 46 ZmMYB genes under abiotic stress treatments was used to identify 22 MYB genes that were induced by one or more of the stress treatments. ZmMYB30 was highly upregulated under the four stress treatments. The ectopic expression of ZmMYB30 in transgenic Arabidopsis plants promoted salt-stress tolerance and also increased the expression of a number of abiotic stress-related genes, allowing the plants to overcome adverse conditions.
Keywords: abscisic acid; low temperature; osmotic stress; salinity; Zea mays
Subjects: Myb transcription factor; gene expression; abscisic acid; cold stress; osmotic stress; salinity; transgenic plants
Species: Zea mays; Arabidopsis thaliana
Received: October 28, 2016; Revised: May 26, 2017; Accepted: June 14, 2017; Published: June 1, 2018Show citation
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