Biologia plantarum 2016, 60:489-495 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-016-0621-7
Identification and characterization of hemp WRKY transcription factors in response to abiotic stresses
- 1 Institute of Bast Fiber Crops and Center of Southern Economic Crops, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changsha, P.R. China
Plant WRKY genes encode a complex and ancient class of zinc-finger transcription factors that are involved in multiple biological processes, especially in regulating defense against abiotic stresses. Despite a growing number of studies on the genomic organization of the WRKY gene family in various species, little information is available about this family in hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). In this study, based on the hemp genome sequence, 40 hemp WRKY (CsWRKY) genes were classified into three main groups and five subgroups according to their orthologs in Arabidopsis. Among these, 23, 15, and 14 CsWRKY genes were responsive to drought, NaCl, and Cd stress, respectively. Interestingly, the expressions of all of the 23 drought stress-responsive genes were up-regulated. Moreover, 18 CsWRKY genes were induced by abscisic acid (ABA) treatment. A total of six up-regulated genes related to all three stresses were identified. Among these, five were up-regulated, and one was down-regulated by ABA. These results indicate a diverse function of the CsWRKY genes, which provides a basis for future clarification of their function in hemp tolerance to abiotic stresses.
Keywords: abscisic acid; cadmium; Cannabis sativa; drought; phylogenetic analysis; salinity
Subjects: transcription factor; abscsic acid; cadmium; drought; salinity; phylogenetic tree; hemp
Species: Cannabis sativa
Received: August 24, 2015; Revised: January 9, 2016; Accepted: January 18, 2016; Published: September 1, 2016Show citation
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