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Biologia plantarum 49:125-127, 2005 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-005-5127-7

Characterisation of Chinese elite cultivars and genetic resources of chestnut by AFLP

J. Ovesná1,*, L. Kučera1, L.J. Jiang2, D. Vagnerová1
1 Research Institute of Crop Production, Prague 6 - Ruzyně, Czech Republic
2 Forestry Academy of Hunan Province, Chang Sha, P.R. China

We selected a informative set of twelve amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer pairs suitable for evaluation of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume) genotypes. Cluster analysis based on 198 polymorphic AFLP amplified by these 12 primer pairs clearly divided investigated genotypes according to their place of origin. We showed, that genetic basis of modern genotypes is narrow also in the case of this species.

Keywords: AFLP; Chinese chestnut; Castanea mollissima; diversity; fingerprinting; genetic resources
Subjects: amplified fragment length polymorphism; Castanea mollissima; chestnut, genetic resources; cluster analysis; dendrogram, cladogram, phenogram, phylogenetic tree; fingerprinting; genetic resources, Chinese elite cultivars, chestnut

Received: August 27, 2003; Accepted: April 15, 2004; Published: March 1, 2005Show citation

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Ovesná, J., Kučera, L., Jiang, L.J., & Vagnerová, D. (2005). Characterisation of Chinese elite cultivars and genetic resources of chestnut by AFLP. Biologia plantarum49(1), 125-127. doi: 10.1007/s10535-005-5127-7.
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