Biologia plantarum 55:414-422, 2011 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-011-0105-8
Variability in shoot cultures regenerated from hairy roots of Gentiana punctata
- 1 Plant Physiology Department, Institute for Biological Research "S. Stanković", Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2 Institute for Medicinal Plants Research "Josif Pančić", Belgrade, Serbia
- 3 Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
Differences among three clones of Gentiana punctata L. hairy root shoot regenerants were investigated in relation to their growth patterns, production of secondary metabolites and 2D protein profiles. Prominent differences in growth parameters were stable thus qualifying regenerant clones as true somaclones. Marked differences in protein spots were registered among the regenerant clones but not in comparison with the non-transformed control. Southern blot hybridization of regenerants showed the absence of rolA, B and C genes, initially present in the main hairy root lines. Orf13 and rolD were present and orf8 was missing in all three regenerant clones whereas orf3 was missing only in clone 2. Although lacking the three major rol genes, plants of regenerant clones retained characteristics of the hairy root phenotype.
Keywords: Agrobacterium rhizogenes; 2D-electrophoresis; rol genes; secondary metabolites; somaclonal variation
Received: March 18, 2010; Accepted: June 9, 2010; Published: September 1, 2011Show citation
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