Biologia plantarum 51:575-578, 2007 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-007-0126-5

Effects of gibberellic acid and prohexadione-calcium on growth, chlorophyll fluorescence and quality of okra plant

I. Ilias1, G. Ouzounidou2,*, A. Giannakoula1, P. Papadopoulou2
1 Department of Crop Production, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Sindos, Greece
2 Institute of Food Technology, National Agricultural Research Foundation, Lycovrissi, Greece

The experiment was conducted to identify the response of three cultivars of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] to exogenous hormones [gibberellic acid-(GA3) and prohexadione-Ca] applied as foliar spray. Stem and leaf dry masses and stem length were significantly enhanced by the application of exogenous GA3, but prohexadione-Ca inhibited growth. Control and prohexadione-Ca treated okra plants took more time to bloom than did GA3 treated plants. In the fruits of all the cultivars a decrease in fructose content was observed, while protein content remained almost unchanged after the application of the two growth regulators. The small changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence characteristics observed under prohexadione-Ca suggested a weakening of the photochemical processes near the photosystem 2 reaction centre. The lowering of ratio between maximum time to reach maximum fluorescence, Fm (Tmax) and Area (sum of Fm-Ft for t = 0 to t = Tmax) caused by GA3 was probably due to the increase of Area rather than to changes in Tmax.

Keywords: Abelmoschus esculentus; fruit quality; photosynthetic quantum yield; photosystem 2; growth regulators
Subjects: Abelmoschus esculentus; auxins; calcium; chlorophyll a,b; gibberellic acid, gibberellin; growth analysis, plant development, biomass and yield enhancement; okra; photosynthetic quantum yield; photosystems 1,2

Received: June 27, 2006; Accepted: January 2, 2007; Published: September 1, 2007Show citation

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Ilias, I., Ouzounidou, G., Giannakoula, A., & Papadopoulou, P. (2007). Effects of gibberellic acid and prohexadione-calcium on growth, chlorophyll fluorescence and quality of okra plant. Biologia plantarum51(3), 575-578. doi: 10.1007/s10535-007-0126-5.
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