Biologia plantarum 2014, 58:247-255 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-014-0393-x
Structural and expression analyses of three PmCBFs from Prunus mume
- 1 Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology, Ministry of Education, College of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, P.R. China
C-repeat binding factor (CBF), also called the dehydration-responsive element binding factor 1 (DREB1), can be induced by low-temperature (LT), and plays an important role in abiotic stress tolerance in higher plants. In present study, two new homologous genes of CBF from Prunus mume (PmCBFb and PmCBFc) have been identified and characterized. The complete coding sequences of PmCBFb and PmCBFc were 714 and 723 bp, respectively. They encoded putative proteins of 237 and 240 amino acids. Neither of them had introns. Genome PCR sequencing showed that PmCBFb was arranged in tandem with PmCBFa (another CBF/DREB1 homolog in P. mume) within a region of nearly 4 kb. Promoter prediction analyses indicated that multiple types of cis-elements related to abiotic stress and irradiance existed in the putative promoter region of PmCBFb. LT treatment of seedlings showed that the expression of PmCBF genes were induced by 2 °C within 30 min, and their expression reached a peak after 8-12 h. In addition, PmCBFa and PmCBFb appeared more sensitive to LT than PmCBFc. However, the exact roles of PmCBF genes in plant cold tolerance need to be further investigated.
Keywords: dehydration-responsive element binding factor; gene expression; low temperature; Mei flower; phylogenetic tree; tandem array
Subjects: PmCBFs; dehydration-responsive element binding factor; gene expression; temperature - low; phylogenetic tree; tandem array; amino acid sequence; Japanese apricot
Species: Prunus mume
Received: May 24, 2013; Revised: October 6, 2013; Accepted: October 7, 2013; Published: June 1, 2014Show citation
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