Biologia plantarum 43:93-98, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1026511215263

Wall Thickenings - Moss Protonema Apical Cell Reaction to Lead

M. Krzesłowska1, A. Woźny1
1 Institute of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Two-days-old protonemata of Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. growing in in vitro conditions were treated with 4 μM PbCl2 for 48 h. After this time grey or brown colour thickenings of the cell wall appeared in protonemata cells. They were then localized in tip parts of apical cells. Electron microscopical (TEM) observations showed that the thickenings were structurally connected with the wall and sometimes they included lead deposits. Cytochemically it was found that they contained pectic polysaccharides, callose, lipid substances (probably suberin or sporopollenin) and only few cellulose. Other compounds of cell wall, e.g. lignin and cutin were not detected.

Keywords: heavy metal; Funaria hygrometrica; pectic polysaccharides; callose; cellulose; suberin; sporopollenin
Subjects: apical cell reaction to Pb, moss; callose, Pb, cell wall thickening; Funaria hygrometrica; heavy metal tolerance, cell wall thickening, Pb; moss protonema apical cell, Pb; pectic polysaccharides, Pb, cell wall thickening; sporopollenin, Pb, cell wall thickening; suberin, Pb, cell wall thickening; wall thickening, moss, Pb

Published: March 1, 2000Show citation

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Krzesłowska, M., & Woźny, A. (2000). Wall Thickenings - Moss Protonema Apical Cell Reaction to Lead. Biologia plantarum43(1), 93-98. doi: 10.1023/A:1026511215263.
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