Biologia plantarum 62:307-317, 2018 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-017-0761-4

Osmotic stress affects growth, content of chlorophyll, abscisic acid, Na+, and K+, and expression of novel NAC genes in contrasting rice cultivars

S. García-Morales1, F. C. Gómez-Merino1,*, L. I. Trejo-Téllez2, L. Tavitas-Fuentes3, L. Hernández-Aragón3
1 Campus Córdoba, Colegio de Postgraduados, Veracruz, Mexico
2 Campus Montecillo, Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Mexico
3 Campo Agrícola Experimental Zacatepec, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Zacatepec, Morelos, Mexico

Osmotic stress causes a series of morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular changes that alters plant growth, development, and productivity around the globe. Phytohormones, nutrients, and transcription factors may induce adaptive responses to osmotic stress in plants. We evaluated the effect of osmotic stress induced by 18.5 % polyethylene glycol (PEG) or 100 mM NaCl on growth, content of abscisic acid (ABA), chlorophyll (Chl), sodium, and potassium, and the expression of multifunctional NAC transcription factors in rice cultivars (the salt-tolerant Cotaxtla and salt-sensitive Tres Ríos). The PEG and NaCl decreased shoot height and increased ABA content in both cultivars, and reduced root length in cv. Tres Ríos. The PEG increased Chl content in cv. Cotaxtla leaves. NaCl reduced shoot K+ content in cv. Tres Ríos and increased shoot and root Na+ content in both cultivars, thus resulting in a decreased K+/Na+ ratio. Of the 57 NAC genes evaluated, two of them were repressed (Os10g42130 and Os07g04560) and two other induced (Os02g34970 and OsNAC10) in cv. Cotaxtla in response to PEG, whereas three of them were repressed (Os10g42130, Os07g04560 and Os08g10080), and six induced (Os02g56600, Os02g34970, Os11g08210, Os05g34830, OsNAC6, and OsNAC10) in response to NaCl. In the cv. Tres Ríos, we found two genes repressed (Os10g42130 and Os07g04560), and five induced (Os08g33910, Os03g60080, Os06g51070, OsNAC6, and OsNAC10) in response to PEG, while only two genes were repressed (Os10g42130 and Os07g04560) but 13 induced (Os03g21060, Os08g39110, Os03g60080, Os01g15640, Os06g51070, Os09g33490, Os04g40130, Os12g29330, Os02g36880, Os11g08210, Os05g34830, OsNAC6, and OsNAC10) by NaCl. Osmotic stress affected more severely cv. Tres Ríos than cv. Cotaxtla plants. These different responses might be regulated by ABA and NAC transcription factors.

Keywords: NaCl; Oryza sativa; polyethylene glycol; RT-PCR; transcription factors
Subjects: osmotic stress; abscisic acid; chlorophyll content; sodium; potassium; NAC gene family; NaCl; polyethylene glycol; rice
Species: Oryza sativa

Received: June 5, 2016; Revised: May 15, 2017; Accepted: June 21, 2017; Published: June 1, 2018Show citation

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García-Morales, S., Gómez-Merino, F.C., Trejo-Téllez, L.I., Tavitas-Fuentes, L., & Hernández-Aragón, L. (2018). Osmotic stress affects growth, content of chlorophyll, abscisic acid, Na+, and K+, and expression of novel NAC genes in contrasting rice cultivars. Biologia plantarum62(2), 307-317. doi: 10.1007/s10535-017-0761-4.
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