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Kariérní den ČVUT

On Wednesday 11th of April, 2018, the Faculty of Transport of CTU in Prague organised a Careed day on which ITAM (represented by Daniel Kytýř and Barbora Přechová) also participated. ITAM has been closely colaborating with the faculty over a long period (particularly the Department of Mechanics and Materials) - several of the ITAM's employess are the Faculty of Transport's alumni. Those interested in career at ITAM could watch a presentation and take Newsletters, brochure CET, leaflet CAMPT etc. They could also talk directly to ITAM employees and ask them any questions. Despite the competition from other exhibitors, ITAM aroused a relatively lively interest.

B. Přechová, D. Kytýř

  Karierni den CVUT Karierni den CVUT2

13 Apr 2018