Článek pojednává o poněkud nenápadné hmyzí skupině našich vod - potápnících (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). V ČR žije přes 130 druhů potápníků. Jsou důležitou součástí společenstev jako predátoři a mohou sloužit i k bioindikaci kvality vody. Řada druhů je ohrožena rozsáhlými změnami v krajině v posledních 50 letech, např. narovnáváním řek či eutrofizací rybníků a mokřadů.
Použitá a citovaná literatura:
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ROUGHLEY, R. E. A systematic revision of species of Dytiscus Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Part 1. Classification based on adult stage. Quastiones Entomologiques. 1990, 17, s. 249-309.
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WATTS, C. H. S., HUMPREYS, W. F. Three new genera and five new species of Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) from underground waters in Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum. 1999, 32, s. 121-142.
WATTS, C. H. S., HUMPREAYS, W. F. Six new species of Nirridesssus Watts and Humpreys and Tjirtudessus Watts and Humpreys (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) from underground waters in Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum. 2000. 33, s. 127-144.
WEBER, M.J., BROWN, M.L. Effects of common carp on aquatic ecosystems 80 years after “Carp as a dominant”: ecological insights for fisheries management. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 2009, 17, s. 524–537.
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The article deals with somewhat inconspicuous aquatic insects in our waters - diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). More than 130 species are present in the Czech Republic. They are an important part of aquatic communities as predators and may also serve as water quality biondicators. Many species have been threatened by large-scale changes in the landscape over the last 50 years, including regulation and damming of rivers and eutrophication of ponds and wetlands.