
In the June survey the Public Opinion Research Centre gave all respondents a question that at eleven-point scale measures the left-right political orientation: "In politics, people sometimes talk about right and left. Where would you place yourself ranked on this scale?"

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In the June survey the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic posed to all respondents a question: "How satisfied are you with your life? Are you very satisfied, rather satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, rather dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?"

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In its regular survey ‘Our society’ in June 2019 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the reputation of 26 selected occupations.

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In June survey CVVM investigated opinions of Czech citizens related to the level and the future trend in unemployment in the Czech Republic as well as to the situation on labour-market in the place of their living.

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In the June 2019 survey the Public Opinion Research Centre examined two questions related to evaluation of material living conditions of respondent's households, and to expectation of development of these conditions in this year.

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According to the June 2019 survey of CVVM, 51% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as good, 33% view it as neither good nor bad, and 14% consider it to be bad.

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In the June survey the Public Opinion Research Centre put all respondents several questions concerning the assessment of the current situation in the world in terms of international relations, economics, security, conflict resolution or solving of global environmental problems, and evaluation of the activities of selected major actors (states or organizations), which have a significant influence on the development of the overall political and security situation in the world and on the overall economic situation on a global scale.

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June's survey of CVVM asked questions regarding the relationship of workers to their jobs. On the one hand, the survey focused on the topics such as job satisfaction, perception of workplace climate and subjective evaluation of adequacy of earnings. On the other hand, the aim was also to determine the proportion of workers considering the possibility of changing their job and what they think about the probability of job loss.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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In June 2019 within the regular survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) questioned respondents about their confidence in the Ombudsman, the Constitutional Court, and the Supreme Audit Office.

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In June survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated the activities of political parties and some institutions. Standard school classification was used for the evaluation, where the best performance is represented by number one and the worst performance by number five.

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