Folia Zoologica

International Journal of Vertebrate Zoology

ISSN 0139-7893
e-ISSN 1573-1189
Abbreviation: Folia Zool.

Aims & Scope

Folia Zoologica publishes high-quality original research papers of broad interest. The Journal welcomes papers on the behaviour, ecology, physiology, anatomy, developmental biology, taxonomy, and evolution of vertebrates, including research at the interface of these disciplines.


Substantial reviews and monographs, as well as suggestions for special issues are encouraged. Please feel free to email the Editor-in-Chief ( with ideas. The Journal will provide guidance and editorial support to assist authors in producing review papers.


The journal is published quarterly, with one volume comprising four issues, with additional issues published occasionally. There are no page charges except colour pages.

Folia Zoologica is a continuation of the periodical Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica, 1938-1951, volumes 1-14), Zoologické a Entomologické Listy (Folia Zoologica and Entomologica, 1952-1955, volumes 1-4, n.s.) and Zoologické Listy (Folia Zoologica, 1956-1976, volumes 5-25).

Folia Zoologica has entered into an agreement with BioOne and all manuscripts are released immediately after acceptance. Folia Zoologica is indexed by CAB Abstracts, EBSCO, Gale/Cengage learning, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases incl. Scopus, Clarivate analytics Databases incl. Web of Science.