Seminar of Students 2015 (all Photogallery)

Conference Centre of AS CR in chateau Liblice (near Mělník)
4-6 May 2015
42 participants including 6 from abroad.

Photogallery from the three days of conference
(photos: K. Stejskalová, archive JHI; last photo - P. Španěl)

May 4, 2015

May 5, 2015

May 6, 2015

May 3, 2015color="red">

April 27, 2015
We have 25 participants: 12 PhD students, 8 undergraduates, and 5 secondary school students.


April 21, 2015-
!!!!!!!!!! Dead line for application and sending the abstract !!!!!

April 13, 2015 -
Information for participants of seminar (incl. application and rules for abstract ...) find in attached files.

Conference Centre of AS CR in chateau Liblice
(K. Nováková, archive JHI)