About the library

Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences (LCAS)
Národní 1009/3
115 22 Praha 1
Czech Republic

ID data boxes: a22nbqc
IČ: 67985971
DIČ: CZ67985971
bank details: account no. 7379950001/5500
IBAN: CZ4055000000007379950001

Opening hours

9.00 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday–Friday

Library regulations

Price list of services and charges

ASL Deed of Establishment

ASL – directory of public research institutions (in Czech only)

ASL – register of libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (registry number 3411/2002, in Czech only)



The profile of the collection of the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences is stipulated as follows:

Documents containing scientific information, select popular educational, encyclopaedic and biographical, the scientific publication output of employees of the Czech Academy of Science, this all according to selected language profile – Czech and basic world languages.

Emphasis is placed on the addition of the latest foreign scientific literature.