workshop Non–classical epistemic logics
Prague Workshop on Non–classical epistemic logics
Prague Workshop on Non–classical epistemic logics
June 14-15, 2012
organized by
the Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy ASCR, Prague,
the Department of Logic, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
The workshop is focused on alternative approaches to epistemic logics with special attention to systems based on justification, dynamic and substructural logics. |
Speakers: Sergej Artemov (The City University of New York, Moscow State University) |
Location: Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, Praha 1, lecture hall. |
Programme: Thursday, June 14 10.00/11.30 Michael Dunn: Contradictory Information - Better Than Nothing
09.30/11.00 Sergej Artemov: Multiplicity of Common Knowledge |
Organizers: Marta Bílková, Petra Ivaničová, Ondrej Majer, and Michal Peliš |
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