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8 Dec 18 - 7 Dec 19
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Expertise, quality, objectivity

Naše společnost/Our Society (ISSN-print: 1214-438X, ISSN-online: 2336-1646) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal published by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (SOÚ AV ČR). It was founded in 2003 and has been peer-reviewed since 2007. The journal is edited by the Public opinion research centre (CVVM), and in collaboration with the Czech Social Science Data Archive (ČSDA) since 2017. It comes out twice a year, in print and electronic version.

The journal is listed in the List of peer-reviewed journals of Ministry of culture of the Czech republic (Seznam recenzovaných neimpaktovaných periodik vydávaných v ČR) and the abstracts are available in The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH).

The predecessor of the journal is the bulletin České veřejné mínění v evropských souvislostech/ Czech public opinion in the European perspective. The title suggests that it was primarily focused on the public opinion research based on the longitudinal survey conducted by CVVM. Gradually the scope of the journal was widened with particular emphasis on a broad interdisciplinary perspective, current topics and analytical contribution of the published articles.

The papers draw on data from continuous surveys by CVVM (Public Opinion Research Centre). Empirical studies based on other resources and theoretical papers on topics of public opinion research are also accepted. Alongside a diversity of paradigms of contemporary sociology, the journal relies on perspectives from demography, political science, economics, media studies, historiography etc.


Editorial office:

Mgr. Martin Ďurďovič, Ph.D.


Please contact the Editorial office at the address: CVVM, SOÚ AV ČR, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, or via email at redakce.ns@soc.cas.cz. This address is intended for submitting the manuscripts, asking questions, giving feedback or a request to receive the print version of Our Society regularly (free of charge).

The revision of English abstracts is ensured by Mgr. Jan Morávek, Ph.D., a translator specialized in academic texts in sociology, political science, public policy and other social sciences.

Editorial Board:

Ilona Bažantová (PrF UK, Praha), Adéla Gjuričová (ÚSD AV ČR, Praha), František Kalvas (FF ZČU, Plzeň), Jindřich Krejčí (SOÚ AV ČR a FSV UK, Praha), Lukáš Novotný (FF UJEP), Jiří Šubrt (FF UK, Praha), Tomáš Trampota (FSV UK, Praha), Jiří Vinopal (SOÚ AV ČR, Praha), Milan Zeman (SÚ SAV, Bratislava).