The role of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in global change.
Year from
Year to
The main objective of the Action is to advance the understanding of the state of the global upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, and the role of the dynamical, chemical, and radiative processes in this altitude region. COST Action 723 will provide value-added qualitycontrolled datasets of geophysical parameters (e.g., ozone and water vapour) which are believed to be important for the study of radiative, dynamical, and photochemical processes in the tropopause altitude region (5 km above and below the tropopause). Hitherto, there has been little information on these geophysical parameters in this region. The Action will contribute toward making the best use of observations, models and assimilation algorithms, and toward the definition of new strategies for future research.
COST 723 Website
The website contains general information about the Action and meeting material. It also hosts mailing lists for MC and WGs, as well as an address database of all COST 723 members. Results of the Action are also planned to be added, as they become available.
COST 723 Website
The website contains general information about the Action and meeting material. It also hosts mailing lists for MC and WGs, as well as an address database of all COST 723 members. Results of the Action are also planned to be added, as they become available.
prof. Ing. ZELINGER Zdeněk CSc.
019, 04A
3046, 3085