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«2016 2019 2020
34 captures
11 Dec 10 - 5 Aug 20
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Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods

phone: +420 266 173 553
fax: +420 220 940 141
email: onf@ujf.cas.cz


Nuclear Physics Institute, v.v.i., ASCR
Department of Neutron Physics
CZ-25068 Řež
Czech Republic

To contact group members, please use the links below. The local phone numbers (4-digit groups) should be appended to the prefix +420 26617.

Name Position Phone Website
doc. RNDr. Anna Macková, PhD. Head of Tandetron laboratory +420266172102 web link
doc. ing. Vladimír Hnatowicz, DrSc. Research scientist +420266173129 web link
RNDr. Vratislav Peřina, CSc. Research scientist +420266172106 web link
RNDr. Vladimír Havránek, CSc. Research scientist +420266173127 web link
Jiří Vacík, CSc., PhD Research scientist +420266173129 web link
RNDr. Václav Voseček Research scientist +420266172106 web link
Dr. Vasily Lavrentiev, PhD Research scientist +420266172103 web link
Petr Malinsky Post doc +420266172106 web link
Mariapompea Cutroneo Post doc +420266172106
Pavel Horák Student +420266172103 web link
Romana Mikšová Student +420266172106 web link
Hana Pupíková Student +420266172106 web link
Adéla Jagerová Student +420266172106
Pavel Plocek Technician +420266172106
Václav Klíma Technician +420266172106
ing. Jiři Novotný Technician +420266172106
Vladimír Semián Technician +420266172106
Helena Kováčiková Technician +420266172106
Václav Kučírek Technician +420266172106
Jan Vitner Technician +420266172106
Martin Švider Technician +420266172106
Petra Zahrádková Secretary +420266172106