Věda a výzkum

Přednášky a semináře

Astronomický ústav AV ČR pořádá celoústavní semináře, kde se představuje každé vědecké oddělení - Stelární oddělení, Sluneční oddělení, Oddělení meziplanetární hmotyOddělení galaxií a planetárních systémů, a to jak organizačními novinkami z oddělení, tak jednou nominovanou přednáškou na vědecké téma. Semináře pořádáme se zhruba čtvrtletní periodou v půldenním bloku.

Příští semináře

14.10.2019 13:15
Jan Benáček
Analytical modelling and PIC plasma simulations of solar radio bursts
Specific and interesting type of fine-structured radio bursts - "zebras" - are known from spectral observations of the Sun, Jupiter, and the Crab-Nebula pulsar. In the solar case, they are classified as 'Type IV' fine structures and quite frequently observed also by the Ondřejov solar radiospectrographs. Assuming a model of their emission they can be used for the otherwise difficult diagnostics of plasma density and magnetic field in the solar atmosphere. The most commonly used zebra-emission model is based on the double plasma resonance (DPR) instability of the upper-hybrid (UH) waves and their subsequent conversion into the escaping electromagnetic radiation. In order to make detailed calculations of the DPR model-predicted radio emission, we use analytical theory for the UH-waves growth rates in conjunction with a 3-D electromagnetic relativistic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) code. We calculate the plasma and wave dynamics for specific velocity distribution function of hot-electron component (DGH, loss-cone, kappa,...) superimposed over the colder Maxwellian background plasma. We analyze how the frequencies of the growth-rate maxima change with the temperature (a new result unexpected by the so-far models) and conditions for the emission-peak formation. The results are combined with the zebra observations: From them we can estimate the zebra-source brightness temperature, the size of the emission region, the energy density of the electrostatic waves in this region, and the conversion rate of the electrostatic (UH) waves into electromagnetic ones. It is shown that such detailed calculations of radio emission from solar/astrophysical plasmas represents the necessary ground for reliable diagnostics based on radio bursts observations.
14.10.2019 15:00
Petr Kabáth
Activities of the exoplanets group at Stellar Department
Exoplanet group was officially created in 2018. We became a member of ESA PLATO Space mission hunting for exoplanets with a launch date in 2026. Furthermore, activities and results of the group with OES spectrograph on Perek telescope will be presented with a latest surprise discovery among TESS space mission objects. Finally, plans for new projects and a long term vision for exoplanetary research in the Czech Republic will be introduced.

Archiv minulých seminářů


Dále se konají menší tématické semináře jednotlivých oddělení:

Semináře slunečního oddělení

Vždy ve čtvrtek od 11:00 (září–červen) v zasedací místnosti slunečního oddělení pracoviště Ondřejov.

Program seminářů

03/10/2019, 11:00
Galina Motorina
Electron distribution and energy release in the magnetic reconnection outflow regions during the pre-impulsive phase of a solar flare based on EUV and X-ray observations
Abstract: We analyse observations of electron energization in magnetic reconnection outflows during the pre-impulsive phase of solar flare SOL2012-07-19T05:58. Over a period of time of about 20 minutes, before the onset of the impulsive phase, two X-ray sources were observed in the corona, one above the presumed reconnection region and one below. For both of these sources we used simultaneous forward fitting of X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) data, obtained by RHESSI and SDO/AIA. The results suggest that electrons are accelerated to higher energies in the source above the looptop, while in the source below, the spectral shape does not change but the overall increase of the emission measure is observed, suggesting an increase of density due to evaporation.


Semináře oddělení GPS

Obvykle v pondělí od 14 hod v přednáškové místnosti pracoviště Praha–Spořilov.

Program seminářů