Ing. Lucie Augustovicova, PhD. (1985) presented the thesis Quantum dynamics of small molecules defended in September 2014 at the Charles University
RNDr. Jana Cisarova, PhD. (1985) presented the thesis Study of quantum and cooperative effects in exactly solvable lattice-statistical models defended in August 2013 at the P.J. Safarik University in Kosice
Dr. Nicolai Friis, PhD. (1984) presented the thesis Cavity mode entanglement in
relativistic quantum information defended in Novembery 2013 at the University of Nottingham
Ing. Frantisek Stampach, PhD. (1985) presented the thesis Spectral analysis of Jacobi matrices and related problems defended in September 2014 at the Czech Technical University
for the thesis Cavity mode entanglement in relativistic quantum information focused on relativistic aspects of quantum entanglement, whose topic was found contemporary and timely in the context of quantum information theory, which was so far oriented mostly to non-relativistic problems.
The jury also decided to give a honourable mention to the thesis of
entitled Quantum dynamics of small molecules which made an interesting contribution to a highly important interdisciplinary topic in between chemistry, molecular physics, astrophysics and cosmology.