Photogalery of minisymposium - Dynamic covalent chemistry: Frontiers & Perspectives

MiniseminarDynamic covalent chemistry: Frontiers & Perspectives

Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemisty, Dolejskova 2155/3, 182 23, Praha 8, CZ

June 27th 2019, Brdicka lecture hall, lecture titles to be announced

Organizer: Dr. Petr Kovaříček,



9:00 – 10:15            Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie
, Université de Strasbourg, France

                                   “Perspectives in Chemistry: Towards Adaptive Chemistry”

Coffee break

10:30 – 11:00          Prof. Emilio Pérez Álvarez, IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid,

                                 „Diversions and junctions in the road of science:
                                 from carbon nanotube rotaxanes to covalent organic frameworks“

11:10 – 11:40          Prof. Euan Kay, School of Chemistry,
                                  University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom

                                 „Manipulating the Monolayer:
                                  Dynamic Covalent Nanoparticle Building Blocks“

11:50 – 12:20          Prof. Max von Delius, Institute of Organic Chemistry and
                                  Advanced Materials, University of Ulm, Germany

                                  „New Tools and Uses of Dynamic Covalent Chemistry“