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«2018 2019 2020
94 captures
29 Jan 11 - 5 May 20
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Ústavní semináře

Středa, 09.10.2019 14:00 - 16:00

Oleg Heczko, Martin Žáček, Martin Míšek, Jiří Pospíšil, Pavel Javorský

Materials Growth and Measurement Laboratory - Joint activity of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University and FZU

For many years successfully operating Joint Laboratory of Magnetic Studies (JLMS), joint activity of MFF UK and FZU, links large experimental facilities for magnetic and other physical measurements in a wide range of temperature, pressure and magnetic field. It is located mainly in the buildings of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Troja and partly in the Institute of Physics in Cukrovarnická. In 2018,...