We are pleased to inform you that the new issue of Critical Housing Analysis was released.
The new issue contains six original papers on diverse housing issues. Researchers from Indonesia (led by Joko Adianto) questioned Turner's theory of low-income's migration stages using particular case of Jakarta, Indonesia. Melanie Spallek and Michele Haynes investigated the timing and order of the two interrelated events of child birth and the transition to home ownership in Australia. John Doling and Richard Ronald identified in their paper 'not for housing' housing sector and argued that despite this sector remains relatively small, it has large impacts challenging housing researchers and policy makers recently. Adriana Mihaela Soaita questions the uncritical transfer of neoliberal concepts used for understanding post-communist housing provision and consumption - she introduces ‘diverse economies’ framework and discusses its implications for understanding patterns of inequality and poverty. Leon Robertson found that despite the claims of developers in the US the annual percentage returns on homes sold in homeowners associations were significantly less than those of homes in other neighbourhoods. Finally, Jardar Sorvoll discusses key challenges of residual and market-oriented social rented housing using the case of Oslo as the main point of departure.
Let us also remind you that Critical Housing Analysis is included into SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, ProQuest, NSD (Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers) and ANVUR (Italian database of scientific journals) databases.
- Joko Adianto, Rossa Turpuk Gabe, Coriesta Dian Sulistiani, Chotib Hasan, Antony Sihombing, Cut Sannas Saskia: Kindred Campers: The Alternative Pre-Bridgeheader Migration Stage of Low-Income Migrants in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Melanie Spallek, Michele Haynes: Order and Timing of Home Ownership and Fertility Decisions in Australia
- John Doling, Richard Ronald: ‘Not for Housing’ Housing: Widening the Scope of Housing Studies
- Adriana Mihaela Soaita: The Diverse Economies of Housing
- Leon Robertson: Correlation of Homeowners Associations and Inferior Property Value Appreciation
- Jardar Sorvoll: The Dilemmas of Means Tested and Market-oriented Social Rented Housing. Municipal Housing in Norway 1945-2019
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