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The aim of this study was to examine the spatial mobility of homeless people in urban areas, exploring homeless mobility, its drivers, limits and links to personal attributes, and whether there is an association between the extent of spatial activity and an individual’s housing situation. To our knowledge, there has been no prior exhaustive attempt to explore the spatial mobility of homeless people using Global Positioning System (GPS) location devices.
The aim of this article is to investigate the factors that influence the size of activity spaces of homeless men and women in cities. Vulnerable population groups such as the homeless face the risk of mobility challenges that can exacerbate their social exclusion even more through mobility-driven spatial exclusion. The extent of an individual’'s activity space is a key precondition for the daily coping strategies and life opportunities of homeless people.
Kniha vznikla v návaznosti na aplikovaný výzkum zaměřený na obyvatele s cizí státní příslušností pocházející ze zemí mimo EU dlouhodobě žijící v hlavním městě Praze.
Kapitola se zabývá vazbou mezi spotřebními preferencemi a vertikálním – třídním postavením v současné české společnosti. Představeny jsou teoretické modely kulturní spotřeby a pozice v sociální struktuře (homologie, individualizace, kulturní všežroutství), jejichž platnost je ověřována na datech z výzkumu spotřebitelských preferencí (MML TGI 2004) a kulturní participace (Kultura v krajích ČR 2011).
The aim of this study is to broaden the scope of knowledge on fear of crime by examining if Ferraro’s risk interpretation model of fear of crime also holds true for the adolescent population. Using data on approximately 1500 Czech students in middle and grammar school, we test three different models. First, the classic model of fear of crime, applied originally to adults, is estimated.
Text se věnuje formujícímu se trhu s nájemní domácí prací v postsocialistickém prostoru v kontextu genderových nerovností. Diskutován je vliv rodinné a populační politiky a kultury péče o děti na formování trhu s nájemní domácí prací.
The text deals with hired domestic work in the context of gender inequalities in the post-socialist space. The influence of childcare and population policies and childcare culture on the formation of the market with hired domestic work is discussed.
Objectives. Achieved fertility is lower than intended fertility in Europe. The factors contributing to this mismatch are thus an important research topic. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that contribute to the unfulfilment of short-term fertility intentions and to changes in the intended number of children to improve our understanding of the mismatch between achieved and intended fertility in Czechia.
For decades, research on democracy has produced evidence that the peoples of countries in Central Europe are less satisfied with the way democracy works in their countries than people in Western Europe. Using the data from the European Social Survey (ESS) I explore, how satisfaction with the way democracy works (SWD) changed in these countries between 2004 and 2014 and test the impact of satisfaction with the present state of the economy and trust in parliament on SWD.
This article focuses on the relationship between young adults’ cog- nitive abilities and individual partner preferences. We worked with the Pref- erence NSZ 2017 data set, which contains data on partner preferences and the results of the National Comparative Secondary-School Exams of Czech high school graduates, and our analyses, using logistic regression, confirmed a ten- dency towards homophily on the level of cognitive abilities and university education.
Since the concept of ‘local biologies’ was proposed in the 1990s, it has been used to examine biosocial processes that transform human bodies in similar and different ways around the globe. This paper explores understandings of biosocial differentiation and convergence in the case of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the Czech Republic.
V ČR stále roste počet absolventek vysokých škol, včetně doktorských programů. Podíl žen ve vědě však od roku 2000 klesá. Kam se všechny ty nadané studentky poděly, když jim nikdo ve vědecké kariéře nebrání? Aneb proč někomu nebránit není to samé jako dát mu rovnou šanci.
Pracovní podmínky akademiček a akademiků v ČR výrazně ovlivňuje jak národní systém financování vědy a výzkumu, tak personální politika jejich pracovišť. Minulý týden jsme se věnovaly prvně jmenovanému faktoru, nyní se zastavíme u toho druhého. Jak české vědecké instituce přistupují ke svému personálnímu řízení?
Jaké jsou pracovní podmínky vědců a vědkyň na českých vysokých školách a výzkumných institucích? S čím jsou čeští vědci a vědkyně nejvíce nespokojeni? Co jim brání v kariérním růstu? Jak se dělá věda ve chvíli, kdy se stanete rodičem?
Women researchers are underrepresented in almost all research fields. There are disciplinary differences in the phase in which they tend to quit their academic career; in the natural and technical sciences (STEM) it is in the postdoctoral phase, whereas in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) it is during the doctoral phase. This is indicative of disciplinary differences in the barriers women face in their careers.
On the basis of the discussion between cultural and institutional theories, and taking into account the specific development in post-communist countries, we study three elements of the democratic system - specifically, social trust, institutional trust, and systemic trust (legitimacy of democracy). Using data from the European Values Study, conducted in 1991, 1999 and 2008, we analyze the roots of institutional trust and systemic trust (i.e.
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