Academic bulletin 06/2001
Kaleidoscope - Photo-gallery
The ceremony of the Czech Learned Society awards
News from the Academic Council - the 2nd Session
Research and Development Council of the Government of the Czech Republic
Report from the 147th session of the Czech Government's Research and Development Council
Portraits from the Archives
Bohumil Sekla - 100th Anniversary of His Birth
Bohumil Sekla is a founder of a field of genetics, which has had a deep impact on the everyday life of human society. He became known as an expert in determining parenthood by the biological-hereditary method.
Science - Research - Society
Book World 2001
Report on the seventh year of the traditional festival of literature, writers and projects of publishing houses
Post-communist Countries and Future of European Science
International meeting of the Executive Board and the Governing Council of the European Science Foundation was held in Villa Lanna in Prague on April 5 - 6, 2001. Academic Bulletin interviewed representatives of the new ESF members from four post-communist countries (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Estonia) asking them for their impression of the current level of co-operation with former socialist "friends" in the Soviet bloc.
Quite Well, Wherever You Go, the Best in Europe - at Home!
Interview with Jean-Marie Cadiou, the director of the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, one of the institutes of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, who was recently awarded "De Scientia et Humanitate Optime Meritis", the official medal of the ASCR .
The General Assembly of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic
The seventh General Assembly of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic was held in the Ballroom of Prague Castle on May 14 - 15, 2001. The Learned Society awarded the most important research projects in 2001, with special consideration being given to the youngest researchers from grammar schools.
National Technical Museum in Prague
The Prague National Technical Museum is one of the oldest of its kind in Europe. The fund of its collections contains about 60,000 items. Museum officials have three main goals: collections and documentation, research in the field of history of science and technologies and public presentation of the results of its activities.
Meeting of the Representatives of National Academies from Visegrád Countries
Representatives of science communities in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia met at the Conference Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw on April 7, 2001.
Scientific Societies
Czech Geological Society
The Czech Geological Society was founded in 1923 as the Czechoslovak Society for Mineralogy and Geology. Members of the CGS are experts in mineralogy, palaeontology, petrology and volcanology.
Misbelievers and Tricksters Deserve only "Boulders"
Czech Club of Sceptics Sisyphus awarded its annual anti-prizes called "Boulders".
New Discoveries in Research of Physiology and Ecology of Arbors
A workshop and roundtable focusing on this topic was arranged and hosted by the Department of Public Relations of the ASCR in co-operation with the Institute of Experimental Botany of the ASCR on March 21, 2001.
Place of Action
Report from the Open Doors Day at the Institute of Physiology of the ASCR
Awards for Notable Entomologists
Laudation - the František Palacký Medal Has Been Awarded to Professor Brandmüller
News - Announcements
New Books
Lecture by Professor Zeilinger entitled Schrödinger`s Entanglement: the Essence of Quantum Physics
Exhibition of photographs - the work of lustrous Czech photographer Josef Sudek
Opening ceremony of an exhibition of works by Jita Splítková titled Anticipation of Man