In this study the authors analyse Czech national identity after the split of Czechoslovakia and before accession to the European Union. National identity is understood here as a construct consisting of several elements, four of which the authors analyse: territorial identity (localism, regionalism, patriotism, and Europeanism), the image of the nation - the cultural nation (ethno-nation) and the political nation (state-nation)), national pride (in general, and in cultural performance and in the performance of the state), and love for the nation - nationalism (or more precisely, chauvinism) and patriotism. To create a more complex picture of Czech national identity the authors compare it with national identities in eleven other European countries. To conclude the authors analyse the attitudes of Czechs toward the European Union, and national identity is used as an important explanatory element of the support for EU governance.

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Vlachová, Klára, Blanka Řeháková
Identity of non-self-evident nation: Czech national identity after the break-up of Czechoslovakia and before accession to the European Union
Vlachová, Klára, Blanka Řeháková. 2009. „Identity of non-self-evident nation: Czech national identity after the break-up of Czechoslovakia and before accession to the European Union.“ Nations and Nationalism 15 (2): 254–279. ISSN 1354-5078.
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