Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 6/2015

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Obsah čísla


Hana Hašková, Marta Vohlídalová:
Editorial: Gender Aspects of the Life Course [899]


Radka Dudová:
Caring for Elderly Parents: A New Commitment of the Third Age [903]

Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková, Martina Štípková:
Women as Care Managers: The Effect of Gender and Partnership Status on Grandparent Care for Grandchildren [929]

Adéla Souralová:
Paid Caregiving in the Gendered Life Course: A Study of Czech Nannies in Vietnamese Immigrant Families [959]

Lenka Formánková, Alena Křížková:
Love Will Keep Us Apart? Understanding Living Apart Together Partnerships in the Post-state-socialist Czech Republic [993]

Aušra Maslauskaitė, Marė Baublytė:
Gender and Re-partnering after Divorce in Four Central European and Baltic Countries [1023]

Ivett Szalma, Judit Takács:
Who Remains Childless? Unrealized Fertility Plans in Hungary [1047]

Martin Hájek, Barbara H. Vann:
Gendered Biographies: The Czech State-Socialist Gender Order in Oral History Interviews [1077]


Alexandru Moise:
Angus Deaton: The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality [1105]

Martino Comelli:
Greta Krippner: Capitalizing on Crisis: The Political Origins of the Rise of Finance [1108]

Hendrik Theine:
Thomas Piketty: Capital in the Twenty-First Century [1114]

Sergiu Delcea:
Kathleen Thelen: Varieties of Liberalization and the New Politics of Social Solidarity [1117]

Esther Turnhout, Maud Borie, Alejandro Esguerra:
Alice Vadrot: The Politics of Knowledge and Global Biodiversity [1120]

Lenka Kissová:
Peter Lozoviuk (ed.): Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Discourse of the 20th Century: The Contribution of Intellectuals from the Czech Lands to the Study of Collective Identities [1123]

Sergiu Delcea:
Mihai Varga: Worker Protests in Post-Communist Romania and Ukraine. Striking with Tied Hands [1125]


Tomáš Ledvinka:
Emergent Paradigms: Current Issues and Debates in Cultural Legal Studies: Osnabrück Summer Institute on the Cultural Study of Law, 3–9 August 2015 [1129]

Mimo rubriky

Recenzenti statí rozhodnutých v roce 2015 [1133]

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