Experimentalist in biophysics (PhD student) in Bioelectrodynamics research team

Do you want to work on an exciting PhD project at the interface of bionanotechnology and bioelectromagnetics? Do you love hands-on laboratory work, microscopy and to play with a cutting-edge experimental equipment? Then apply for this position!

At the Bioelectrodynamics research team (Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences), we are looking for a highly motivated PhD student for an experimental work focused on exploring the electromagnetic field effects at the biomolecular scale and nano-scale. To that end, you will employ highly advanced single molecule characterization and imaging techniques. Your experimental work will be supported by computational theoretical predictions of your colleagues. Your results will contribute to the development of novel electromagnetic technologies for gentler and more effective biomedicine and bionanotechnology of the future. Practically, you will learn how to work with a wide variety of state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. Furthermore, you will learn how to prepare various biological and biochemical samples. You will also learn how to work with advanced microscopy techniques and world-unique experimental set-ups. Besides, you will learn how to read, understand, and write scientific papers and also how to present your work at international conferences around the world. All these skills will make you employable in thousands of academic and industrial laboratories and companies around the world after your graduation.



  • Finished master’s degree or equivalent by February 2020 in biophysics, biochemistry, physical chemistry, biomedical engineering, molecular biology or similar with a strong interest in imaging and microscopy.
  • Good communication skills and the ability to work in a team-focused environment.


We offer:

The Czech Academy of Sciences is an internationally highly ranked research institution with exceptional quality growth. At the Institute of Photonics and Electronics of CAS, we offer interesting and challenging job in an international environment, work in a multidisciplinary research team and excellent research infrastructure. We ensure strong support for career growth towards scientific independence.


Above that we offer: 

  • PhD students are employed by the Institute (part-time), which results in a competitive salary (scholarship from the university + salary from the Institute).
  • Annual performance bonus  
  • 5 weeks of vacation + sick days benefit
  • Flexible working hours
  • Friendly team of supporting colleagues 
  • Modern educational courses and trainings for professional and scientific development beyond standard university curriculum
  • Sport allowance - MultiSport card, catering and pension contribution, team building events, fully automatic coffee machine in the team


Apply by filling out the online application here

Deadline for application: 24th November 2019

Starting date of the position: 2nd March 2020

In order to conduct the selection procedure on the position you are applying for it is necessary to collect and process your personal data. By replying to this ad, you provide to the Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences (located at Chaberská 57, 18251, Praha 8, Czech Republic) your personal data only for the purpose of the selection process. The personal data shall be stored for the duration of the selection procedure, and further for max 6 months after the termination of the selection procedure for the legitimate interest of the controller in order to prove the proper course of the selection procedure and to evaluate the results of the selection procedure. During metioned period personal data can be stored on our internal and an external storage (owned by Microsoft Corp.) with dedicated access. After the above period expires, your personal data will be permanently deleted. 

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+420 266 773 400
Datová schránka: m54nucy
IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882