• The CAAS project

    One of the main goals of the project coordinated by the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the CTU in Prague (FNSPE) is to integrate fundamental and oriented research in various scientific disciplines and to create an excellent environment for interdisciplinary research.

  • Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering

    FNSPE is a centre of education and research specialised in boundary fields between modern science and their applications in technologies, medicine, economy, biology, ecology, and other fields.

  • Studies at the Faculty

    The Faculty offers a notable variety of study fields. It is exceptional due to the early individual involvement of students in various research projects, scientific teams, and international experiments and its support for short- and long-term student internships.

  • International cooperation with CERN

    International Cooperation

    Not only does the Faculty cooperate closely with the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, but also with over 75 universities, research institutions and companies from more than 45 countries, including large international centres of science, such as CERN, ITER, BNL, ELI, JINR Dubna, etc.

  • Science and Research

    Scientific activities of the Faculty encompass nuclear physics and chemistry, advanced applications of physics in engineering and technology, and also the rapidly developing fields of mathematics and computer science. The scientific attainments of FNSPE are the best out of the whole of the CTU.

  • Nuclear Reactor VR-1

    As an experimental facility of the Department of Nuclear Reactors, the training reactor VR-1 housed in the Troja premises is designed for training students of the Faculty and other 12 faculties from the CZE as well as the staff of nuclear power plants. We also offer international training courses specialised in reactor physics.

  • For the Public

    We do not live by doing science only! For high-school students, FNSPE offers TCN workshops, preparatory courses, and the Science Week. For seniors, it organises the University of the Third Age, and for all lovers of the natural sciences lectures, conferences and self-improvement programmes.

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