1865 Time Domain Energy Spectrum

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What technology and equipment in 1865 was used in conjunction with extracting and measuring the frequency and measuring the hertz output.



Thank you for your question. Here is a list of resoures that might be useful for you:


Web sources

History of physics sources (list), by Massachusetts Institute of Technology: http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/hist.html

Reference guide, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/sc24/History/hots.html


In National Library of Technology catalogue:

HUNT, Bruce J. Pursuing power and light: technology and physics from James Watt to Albert Einstein. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c2010. Johns Hopkins introductory studies in the history of science. Record available at: https://vufind.techlib.cz/Record/000680731. Available also online (for registered users of NTK) at: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/techlib/detail.action?docID=10375801

OLBY, Robert C. Companion to the history of modern science. London: Routledge, 1990. https://vufind.techlib.cz/Record/000009585

MCNEIL, Ian. An encyclopaedia of the history of technology. London: Routledge, 1990. https://vufind.techlib.cz/Record/000009586

Outside our catalogue:

BUCHWALD, Jed Z., ed. and FOX, Robert, ed. The Oxford handbook of the history of physics. 1st edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. ix, 945 s.

TURNER, G. L. (1983). Nineteenth-century scientific instruments. London, Sotheby Publications. Available at: https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_FaAYfJYVNXQC

WARNER, Deborah Jean, ed. anad BUD, Robert, ed. Instruments of science: an historical encyclopedia. New York: Science Museum, 1998. xxv, 709 s. Garland encyclopedias in the history of science; Vol. 2. Garland reference library of social science; Vol. 936.


Kind regards,

Martin Stehlík



Technika, technologie, inženýrství




Národní technická knihovna

Datum zadání dotazu

06.05.2016 14:13

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