
In June 2018 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions concerning the awareness and opinions of the Czech public about the gluten-free diet.

According to research, the majority of the Czech public has heard about the gluten-free diet and has some awareness of what it is about (88%). In contrast, 12% of respondents have not heard about this diet.

Only 4% of people in the Czech Republic is on the gluten-free diet (2% for health reasons and 2% of their decision).

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As a part of its June survey, CVVM asked respondents several questions about food and, above all, food waste. Part of this block was constituted of questions dedicated to the purchase of visually not quite perfect fruit and vegetables. The respondents were specifically expressing what foods they would choose if they had possibility to choose from - whether perfect or less perfect and whether they would even think about the appearance of the selected vegetable or fruit. They also chose the reasons that would lead them to this choice. One of the questions was also focused on who, according to the respondents, decides which fruit and vegetables are going to get into the counter at the shops. The last point was respondents´ estimation of wasted food share due to visual imperfections towards total production.

According to results of the research, Czech consumers would prefer visually perfect fruit and vegetables before those with imperfections. This type of food have elected 60 % of respondents. Among possible reasons that lead them to prefer perfect food, people chose mainly easier cutting and cleaning. Many respondents also think that buying visually perfect food is commonly normal.

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In June 2018 Public Opinion Research Centre AV ČR, v.v.i., examined the attitudes declared by the Czech public to the basic dimensions of the issue of food wastage. Respondents evaluated the urgency of this problem, estimated amount of food thrown away in the household and what have habits associated with food. They also expressed their reasons that motivate individuals to reduce food waste and who, in their opinion, has the greatest impact on reducing food waste in the Czech republic. We also wonder who has, according to the respondents, the largest ratio in the total amount of food waste. Another part of this block of questions focused on the familiarity of the Czech public with the terms "Used before/by .." and "Best before".

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In May within the regular research the Centre for Public Opinion Research focused on the environment.
Representatives of the Czech population answered questions on particular environmental phenomena in the sense
of their problematic character.

As the most serious problems were stated the drinking water deprivation (for 64 % "very serious" problem) and
the garbage cumulation (for 63 % “very serious" problem). On contrary, the Czech people consider at the least
serious problem the operation of nuclear power plants (for 18 % "very serious" problem).

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In May 2018, the Centre for Public Opinion Research asked questions regarding the environment.The first question identified an interest of respondents in information related to environmentally friendly behaviour. In the second question, the respondents expressed their subjective feeling of awareness about environmentally friendly behaviour. The third question mapped own practices of respondents household in the context of the environment and the fourth question examined the civic activities of the respondents in relation to the protection of the environment.

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In May CVVM survey was focused on environmental issues. Respondents were asked about how satisfied or dissatisfied they are with the state of environment in the Czech Republic and in their place of residence. Next citizens rated the size of their satisfaction with concrete areas of environment in their residence such as cleanness of air, surrounding nature and surface water. Respondents also evaluated traffic density, level of noise and the quality of drinking water.

We also examined whether people are interested about information about the state of the environment and whether they have sufficient information on the state of the environment.

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In May 2018, a block of questions related to the public opinion about the disease AIDS was included in the regular survey Our Society. The Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) surveyed perceptions of AIDS as a problem in the Czech Republic, opinions on the involvement of the respective institutions toward the disease, and subjective feelings of endangerment by AIDS.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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In May 2018 within the regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on issues that could be perceived as morally controversial. Specifically, respondents answered questions concerned with the abortion, euthanasia and death penalty.

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In May 2018, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked questions about environment and its protection.

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In its May's survey, CVVM examined attitudes of the Czech public to various environmental questions. Within this larger bloc there was a battery of questions concerning the willingness to do something for environment protection. Another question focused on the issue of funding of environment protection.

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