Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):786-798 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0732-1
Responses of Pinus pinea seedlings to moderate drought and shade: is the provenance a differential factor?
- 1 Dept. of Silviculture and Forest System Management, INIA-CIFOR, Madrid, Spain
The widespread Mediterranean Pinus pinea showed exceptionally low genetic diversity and low differentiation between traits in the adult phase. We explored the adaptation potential of seedlings from four main Iberian provenances during their regeneration phase. We assessed the variability of shoot growth, allometry, physiological traits, and phenotypic plasticity to the interactive effect of light and water environments during 8-month moderate water-stress cycle and after one-week heat wave. The effect of shade and drought was mainly orthogonal whatever the provenance. The inland La Mancha provenance showed higher shoot growth and biomass compared to the southern coastal Depresión-del-Guadalquivir provenance. Following the heat wave, La Mancha presented higher net photosynthetic rates, a lower decrease in maximal quantum efficiency of PSII, and a higher accumulated relative height growth, thus, showing an adaptive advantage. The observed differences corroborated the ecological grouping of the provenances along latitudinal and inland-coastal gradients. We confirmed the high adaptive plasticity of Pinus pinea to the unpredictable Mediterranean environment.
Keywords: adaptive plasticity; gas exchange; heat shock; latitudinal gradient; light-response curves; Mediterranean stone pine
Received: July 4, 2016; Accepted: March 6, 2017; Prepublished online: September 1, 2018; Published: August 1, 2018Show citation
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