- Cretaceous fossil flowers and inflorescences bearing pollen in situ. , GA AV , Jiřina Dašková
- Evolution and dynamics of the salt karst in Zagros Mts., Iran: Denudation rates, age of karst forms, governing factors , GA AV , Michal Filippi
- Geochemistry, petrography and rock magnetic properties of the high- and low-Ti alkaline basalts from intra-plate riftogenic setting , GA AV , Jiří Novák
- Growth rhythms as an indicator of the Earths rotation and climate changes in the geological past , GA AV , galle
- Hydrodynamic concept of stromatactis formation in geology , GA AV , Jindřich Hladil
- Integrated stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary strata in the Tethyan and Boreal Realms , GACR , Petr Pruner
- Larval development in the Oligocene frog Eopelobates (Pelobatidae) and general features in the development of fossil non-pipoid anurans , GA AV , Zbyněk Roček
- Long-term development of cultural landscape of Central Bohemia as a co-evolution of human impacts and natural processes , GA AV , Jaroslav Hlaváč
- Paleomagnetic research of karst sediments: paleotectonic and geomorphological implications , GA AV , Pavel Bosák
- Recclamation and management of the anthropogenic biotopes in Czech Republic , MZP , Václav Cílek