Mgr. Jana Franková, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae
- 2008–2016: Ph.D., Musicology, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV (IReMus) / Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
- 2002–2008: Mgr., Musicology and French Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
- 2003–2007: Bc., Theory and Interpretation of Early Music, Academy of Ancient Music, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno
Research Interests:
- History of music - European music of the 17th and 18th centuries, the life and works of Bohuslav Martinů
- Digital humanities - digital editions and databases of musical sources
Research Projects:
- Team member: Old Myths, New Facts: Czech Lands in the Center of 15th-century Music Developments, Czech Science Foundation, 2019-2023.
Foreign Research Project Collaboration:
- 2007–2014: long term collaboration on research projects in the Institut de Recherche en Musicologie (CNRS, Paris), the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles (CNRS, Versailles), the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (CNRS, Paris), and as a member of R.I.S.M. team in the Département de Musique of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris)
Membership in Scholarly Societies, Research Institutions, and Editorial Boards since 2010:
- Member of the Czech Society of Musicology
- Member of the Société française de musicologie
- Associated researcher of the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles (since 2017)
- Member of the editorial board of the Bohuslav Martinů Complete Edition (2015–2017)
Most Important Publications since 2010:
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Franková, J. “Les cornistes en voyage ? Migration des musiciens originaires de Bohême au XVIIIe siècle : sources, itinéraires, typologie.“ Les sources manuscrites de la musique ancienne : statut, organisation, transmission (2011) : musique ancienne et transferts culturels : circulation, métamorphoses et transmission (2012), ed. Frédéric Billiet. [ISBN 978-2-9560917-0-7], Le Jardin de Musique [ISSN 1769-4469] VII/1-2 (2017): 147–162.
- Franková, J. “Les sources manuscrites pour la biographie d’un musicien au XVIIIe siècle : les origines viennoises de Joseph Kohaut (1734-1777).“ Les sources manuscrites de la musique ancienne : statut, organisation, transmission (2011) : musique ancienne et transferts culturels : circulation, métamorphoses et transmission (2012), ed. Frédéric Billiet. [ISBN 978-2-9560917-0-7], Le Jardin de Musique [ISSN 1769-4469] VII/1-2 (2017): 71–86.
- Franková, J. “Mýtus české hudební emigrace z pohledu Dlabačova slovníku. [The Myth of ‘Czech Musical Emigration‘ viewed through the Dlabacz’s Dictionary]“ Musicologica Brunensia 50/1 (2015): 73–85, [ISSN 1212-0391].
- Franková, J. “Music in the court of Adam Franz and Joseph Adam von Schwarzenberg : Vienna, Český Krumlov and Paris and transitions at the end of Baroque era.“ Musicologica Brunensia 47/1 (2012): 159–177, [ISSN 1212-0391].
Book Chapters
- Franková, J. “La Collection de musique italienne de la Dauphine Marie-Josèphe de Saxe : quelques éléments pour une reconstitution.“ In Les grandes collections musicales de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. 1. Ancien régime, ed. Laurence Decobert a Denis Herlin, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, Éditions de la BnF, forthcoming.
- Franková, J. “Wenzl Anton von Kaunitz-Rietberg and his Grand Tour – A Source for his Future Musical Patronage ?“ In Music and Power in Baroque Era, ed Rudolf Rasch, 319-342. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2018. [ISBN 978-2-503-58071-5].
- Franková, J. “František Jan Vondráček – zapomenutý český cembalista v Paříži 18. století. [François Jean Wondratschek - a forgotten Czech Harpsichordist in 18th-century Paris]“ In Cantantibus organis. Hudební kultura raného novověku ve středoevropských souvislostech, ed. Stanislav Tesař et al., 105-112. Brno: Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně, 2016. [ISBN 978-80-7051-222-7].
- Franková, J. “La musique et le théâtre baroque de Český Krumlov.“ In Les Schwarzenberg : une famille dans l’histoire de l’Europe. XVIe – XXIe siècles, ed. Olivier Chaline, 183-191. (Centre d’histoire de l’Europe centrale, Université de Paris – Sorbonne.) Lavauzelle, 2012. [ISBN 978-2-7025-1542-6].
Editions and translations
- Karl Kohaut, Sinfonie à 3, à 4, ed. Jana Franková, Praha: Vydavatelství Českého rozhlasu, 2019, forthcoming.
- Bohuslav Martinů, String quartets II, ed. A. Březina, J. Franková, J. Honzíková, J. Zichová, P. Žůrek, Bohuslav Martinů Complete Edition IV/3/2, Praha: Bärenreiter, 2017. [ISMN 979-0-2601-0836-3].
- Saint-Lambert, de, Pravidla hry na cembalo. Nové pojednání o doprovodu na cembalo, varhany a jiné nástroje od pana de Saint-Lambert [The Principles of the Harpsichord. New treatise of accompaniment on Harpsichord, Organ and other instruments by Mr de Saint-Lambert - translation into Czech], ed. and transl. by J. Franková, Brno: vlastním nákladem s podporou Masarykovy Univerzity, 2010. [ISBN 978-80-254-8631-3].