Within the topical survey of cultural, social and historical aspects of Czech pubs and beer, questions were asked about the image of a Czech pub in the eyes of the public, and obviously the most often given association relating to a Czech pub was beer. The survey shows that pubs function as a sort of mediator of aid of all kinds, moreover as a place of winding down from every day concerns. Another three important aspects of Czech pubs as seen by people include their cultural and traditional dimension, information potential and the possibility of creating hinterlands for meeting friends, acquaintances - etc.

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74 % of respondents said that they sometimes drank beer, 26 % did not, and beer is significantly more often drunk by men (90 %) than by women (58 %). About one half of the Czech population drink on average a litre or more during one week, while 24 % described their consumption as being between 1 to 2.5 litres, 13 % fit the range of three to five, 10 % drink between five and a half to ten and 3 % of consumers more than ten litres.

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In its September survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre paid attention to restaurants, pubs and beer drinking. To start with, we asked all respondents which restaurant or pub they would visit if they had a chance of choosing. Almost one quarter of respondents answered that they did not go to any pubs or restaurants. However, the almost the same number of respondents said that best of all they liked popping into a pub, tavern or beer-house.

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In the June survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, among other things we were interested in how Czech citizens trusted people from various countries. Czechs trust each other the most. The second place on the hypothetical ladder of trust is occupied by Slovaks. More than two thirds of respondents also expressed trust towards French (71 %), Poles (71 %) and Brits (66 %). The Czech population most often distrusts Germans (distrust was voiced by 55 % of respondents), Romanians (51 %) and Turks (43 %).

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The June survey among other things concentrated on how often and which news programmes on TV Czechs watched and how often and which newspapers they read.

Every day, news programmes on TV are seen by more than two fifths of respondents (42 %), 21 % watch news programmes three to four times a week, 23 % five to six times a week. Almost two thirds of respondents regularly watch Televizní noviny (Television News) on Nova channel (65 %), almost a half (48 %) Události (Events) on ČT 1 channel and more than a fifth (22 %) the main news broadcast of Prima TV channel.

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Traditionally, great importance is attributed to family values. Helping their family and friends and living in a satisfied family is considered as being equally important by 97 % of the approached citizens. Similarly, the absolute majority of respondents (97 %) appreciate having in their lives friends who they get on well with. The items, which obtained the highest degree of support during the entire monitored period, are all statements relating to employment.

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Almost 60 % of respondents think that the ideal age for a father at the birth of his first child should range from 25 to 29 years of age. A third of the people approached gave the age over 29 and less than 9 % the age under 25. For judging the ideal age of a mother there is a prevailing opinion (51 % of respondents) that a woman should give birth to her first child before 24 years of age. 44 % of respondents stated the age range between 25 and 29 and only less than 5 % consider the age of 30 or more to be the best for the birth of the first child.

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More than a quarter of respondents think that artificial insemination should be available only to married women. One fifth of respondents thought that also unmarried women living with common-law husbands should be entitled to this treatment. The largest group (40 %) was formed by respondents of the opinion that artificial insemination should be available to all women regardless of their marital status or if they live with a partner or not.

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In their free time, once or more a week, 70 % of people read magazines, 49 % listen to musical recordings, 47 % are involved in a hobby, 45 % meet friends, acquaintances or neighbours, 43 % read books, 34 % are engaged in sporting activities or exercise, 27 % attempt to increase their language or professional skills, 23 % set out on trips to the countryside, 21 % visit wine bars, cafes or restaurants.

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In the March survey, 47 % of respondents expressed their contentment with the environment in this country, while the same number - 46 % - were not satisfied. Greater contentment with the environment can be seen in the case of the place where they live – 76 %, while about a quarter of the respondents (23 %) are not satisfied with the environment in their neighbourhood. We also asked the people to which degree they themselves contributed to the protection of the environment with their conduct.

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