Photosynthetica, 2007 (vol. 45), issue 4
Photosynthetica 2007, 45(4):589 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-007-0101-6
Life time deficiency of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes CP1, A1, AB1, and AB2 in two cecidomyiid galls derived from Machilus thunbergii leaves
- 1 Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
- 2 Department of Entomology, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China
Two kinds of cecidomyiid galls induced by Daphnephila on Machilus thunbergii Sieb. & Zucc. leaves at various developmental stages, i.e., young, growing, and mature, were analyzed for their biochemical composition of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes located in thylakoid membranes using the Thornber and MARS electrophoretic fractionation systems. Both kinds of galls were totally deficient in the pigment-protein complexes CP1, and A1, AB1, and AB2 through the whole period of gall formation. Immunoblotting of antibody against light-harvesting complex 2b (LHC2b) apoprotein confirmed this deficiency in gall's lifetime, which never recovered under any condition. Electron microscopy demonstrated that already at the early developmental stage the gall chloroplasts had thylakoid morphology like that in a normal leaf.
Keywords: chlorophyll; chloroplast; immunoblotting; leaf age; ultrastructure
Received: January 8, 2004; Accepted: August 13, 2007; Published: December 1, 2007Show citation
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